Fabrication of TiO_2 Thin Film by Electrostatic Self-Assembly Method on Optical Fiber

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq1256280577
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Anionic surfactant sodium lauryl sulfate(SDS), cationic surfactant palmityl trimethyl ammonium chloride(CTAC) and TiO_2 were used to prepare multilayer films on quartz optic fibers by the electrostatic self-assembly (ESA) method. The whole self-assemble process, the function of surfactant and the effect of TiO_2 slurry′s concentration to the self-assemble were discussed. The isoelectric point of TiO_2 slurry measured by experiment is 6.8. The results show that whatever the concentration of the TiO_2 dispersion, a flat and compact adsorbed monolayer on the optic fiber can be built in a stable dispersion at lower pH. There is a adsorbed equilibrium on the substrate (fiber)/solution interface when enough time of incubation is given. A rough and loosen adsorbed layer is formed on the fiber surface by immersed the substrate in a high pH dispersion (pH>10) because the presence of hydroxyl on particle surface. Film thickness can be controlled by controlling the number of layers in the film. Anionic surfactant sodium lauryl sulfate (SDS), cationic surfactant palmityl trimethyl ammonium chloride (CTAC) and TiO 2 were used to prepare multilayer films on quartz optic fibers by the electrostatic self-assembly (ESA) method. The whole self- of surfactant and the effect of TiO 2 slurry’s concentration to the self-assembled were discussed. The isoelectric point of TiO 2 slurry measured by experiment is 6.8. The results show that whatever the concentration of the TiO 2 dispersion, a flat and compact adsorbed monolayer on The optic fiber can be built in a stable dispersion at lower pH. There is a adsorbed equilibrium on the substrate (fiber) / solution interface when enough time of incubation is given. A rough and loosen adsorbed layer is formed on the fiber surface by immersed the substrate in a high pH dispersion (pH> 10) because the presence of hydroxyl on the particle surface. Film thickness can be controlled by controlling the number of layers in the film.
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