
来源 :化学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyanhao1986
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进入本世纪以来,无机药物及相关基础研究获得巨大的发展,同时也面临着巨大的困难。本文综述了两类金属药物——抗癌金属药物和抗糖尿病钒化合物的研究进展和目前存在的严重瓶颈问题,并提出未来发展应重视下列方面:(1)发现新的金属药物分子机制,在此基础上实现理性药物设计;(2)基于分子机理实现对金属药物毒性的控制;(3)理性设计和建立基于纳米、分子复合物和药物分子转运体的新的金属药物转运体系;(4)发展金属配合物的合成生物学。 Since entering this century, great progress has been made in the research of inorganic drugs and related basic research, meanwhile, it is also facing great difficulties. This article reviews the progress of the two types of metal drugs - anticancer metal drugs and anti-diabetic vanadium compounds and the current serious bottlenecks, and points out the following aspects should be emphasized in the future development: (1) to discover new molecular mechanisms of metal drugs, (2) to control the toxicity of metal drugs based on molecular mechanism; (3) to rationally design and establish a new metal drug delivery system based on nanometer, molecular complex and drug molecule transporter; (4) Development of synthetic biology of metal complexes.
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影 木影木,又称“瘿木”,泛指树木的根部和树干所生的瘿瘤。或泛指这类木材的纹理特征。并非专指某一树种。据老一辈匠师们讲,影木有多种,有楠木影、桦木影、花梨木影、榆木
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目的 研究早期糖尿病视网膜病变的多焦视网膜电图特征及其临床意义。方法 采用VERISⅣ视觉诱发反应图象系统测量和分析糖尿病视网膜病变Ⅰ -Ⅱ期 34眼的多焦视网膜电图改变
Objective To investigate the expression of TRAIL in mouse uterine endometrium during embryo implantation and its role in the apoptosis of decidual cells. Method