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从抗日战争胜利到新中国成立,在这段时间里,围绕着建设什么性质的国家问题,各阶级各种政治力量纷纷登台亮相,表明自己的主张.虽然这种选择早已有了结果,历史也早已有了定论,但这段历史却提供了许多至今仍值得深思的问题.总结这段资产阶级政治幻想破灭的历史教训,将会给人们一些有益的反思.一历史的发展总是给人们提供表现自己的机会的.抗日战争胜利后的一段时期,国民党不能立即发动内战,消灭共产党;共产党的力量虽然在抗日战争中得到发展,也还不能立即打败国民党,国家的前途和命运未卜,出现了一个争取和平民主的特殊时期.这时民族资产阶级、上层小资产阶级重又萌发出在中国建立资产阶级共和国的政治幻想,企图以国共之外的独立政治力量身份,跻身于建设什么性质国家的政治斗争.具有代表性的是中国民主同盟.“由于抗战特别由于政协的机缘,客观上一时造成了他在全国的第三党地位”. From the victory of the Anti-Japanese War to the founding of New China, during this period of time, all kinds of political forces of various classes came forward to make their debut on various issues concerning the building of a national state of affairs. Although this choice has already had its result and its history has There has long been a conclusion, but this period of history has provided many questions that are still worth pondering so far. Summing up the historical lessons this bourgeois political illusion has shattered will give people some useful reflections. A historical development will always provide people with During the period after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang could not immediately launch a civil war and annihilate the Communist Party. Although the strength of the Communist Party was developed during the Anti-Japanese War, it could not immediately defeat the Kuomintang. The country's future and destiny were uncertain. A special period for peace and democracy, when the national bourgeoisie and the upper petty bourgeoisie reemerged the fantasy of establishing a bourgeois republic in China in an attempt to rank themselves as independent political forces other than the Kuomintang and Communist Party Political struggle is representative of the China Democratic League. “Since the war is particularly due to the CPPCC National Committee The opportunity, objectively created his third party status in the country. ”
物理实验教学是物理系学生的一门重要的基础课。为了提高这门课的教学质量,为社会培养有用的人才,认真研究物理实验教学方法的问题,自然是很有意义的。 要想较好的完成教学大纲
《北史·赵日巨传》(中华书局 1 974年版 )依据张森楷先生的考证 ,将赵日巨担任的“陕州”刺史改为“硖州”刺史。据我考证 ,孝闵帝在位的几个月内 ,作为地方行政单位的硖州