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10年前,我由总政歌舞团调到军艺任职。从一名专业演员转变为专职教员,从舞台转到讲台,从专业文化干部转变成一名基层领导干部。面对这一转变,说实在的,当时还真有点不适应,主要是离开为兵服务的前台,主要从事培养军旅歌唱艺术新人的任务,减少了面对面为兵服务的机会,心里很难受。分析上任后一段时间的工作实践,我从党的三代领导核心关于文化建设的一系列重要论述中找到了答案,那就是搞好自己的定位,依托自己的工作平台继续走好为兵服务之路。我感到,我们音乐系不仅要培养一流演技的音乐艺术人才,更要培养一心为兵服务的合格文艺战士。过去唱歌是一个人为兵服务,现在是培养一批又一批艺术新人承前启后、无怨无悔地去为兵服务。那一刻,我感到了我使命的崇高和职责的重要。而要做到这一点,光培养学员精湛的艺术是不够的,要把培养学员树立献身国防、服务基层的良好意识作为一件大事来抓,常抓不懈。因此从课程设置到教材编写 Ten years ago, I was transferred to the army by the General Political Department Song and Dance Troupe. From a professional actor into a full-time teacher, from the stage to the podium, from professional and cultural cadres into a leading cadres at the grassroots level. In the face of this change, to be honest, it was really a bit uncoordinated at that time. The main task was to leave the front desk for military service, mainly to cultivate military singing and singing artists, and to reduce the chance of face-to-face military service. After analyzing my work practice after taking office, I found the answer from a series of important expositions on cultural construction made by the leaders of the three generations of the Party. That is to do a good job in my own position and to continue to serve the army by relying on my work platform . I feel that our music department not only needs to cultivate the first-rate acting talent for music and arts, but also cultivates qualified literary and art warriors who serve the soldiers. In the past, singing was a service for soldiers. Now it is to cultivate batch after batch of artistic newcomers to serve the soldiers without any regrets. At that moment, I felt the importance of my mission’s loftyness and responsibility. In order to do this, it is not enough to cultivate the superb art of students. It is necessary to train the students to devote themselves to national defense and to serve the grassroots level as a major event, and always persevere. Therefore, from the curriculum to the preparation of teaching materials
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