Chen Yumei: She Has a Passion for Paper—Cutting

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  Paper-cutting, also known as paper-carving, is one of the oldest Chinese art forms and a national folk art treasure of China. As a requisite of a perfect traditional Chinese woman, paper-cutting was a basic skill for all Chinese girls. Following the paper-cutting samples of their elders or sisters, they cut paper into the forms of familiar natural objects such as flowers, birds, fish and insects. Gradually, they can cut any new patterns at will.
  Chen Yumei, who owns "Yumei Paper-cutting Center", lives in Fengtai district, Beijing and she is one of skillful female paper-cutters. She is simple, kind-hearted, strong-willed, passionate, charitable and dedicated. And now her excellent skills are well rewarded -- she now lives a happy life.
  From hobby to career
  Born in Fucheng County, Hebei Province, Chen Yumei learned paper-cutting from her mother as a child. "It intrigued me to see my mother cut these patterns, and I began to tear apart the left paper scraps until I could cut some Chinese characters such as the one meaning double happiness," said Chen. Little by little, paper-cutting becomes her dominant passion and hobby, and now it is her career and pride.
  In 1998, Chen moved to Beijing with his husband whose job was transferred there. She tended to cut some knickknacks to entertain her little son. Besides, she also did some part-time jobs near her home to help the family. "At a supermall where I worked, a customer said that she wanted to buy some paper-cuts of the Chinese character meaning double happiness for her son's wedding. I thought it was easy, as I had cut a lot of them. So I cut a small one for her. To my surprise, she liked it very much." This experience opened a door for Chen, who saw the value and the business opportunity of traditional handicrafts for the first time.
  After that, she cut papers at night and looked for marketing channels at daytime, embarking on an arduous paper-cutting career.
  1998年,婚后的陈玉梅随着工作调动的丈夫来到北京生活。为了哄年幼的儿子,陈玉梅常常剪一些儿子喜欢的小玩意儿。除此之外,她也会利用空闲的时间到附近打打零工以补贴家用。“在丰西那有一个超市,我常去那里帮忙。一次有位客人说,她家儿子结婚,想买那种传统的囍字。我心想囍字最简单,以前剪过很多,便剪了个小的,没想到客人非常满意和喜欢。”这次意外的收获让陈玉梅了解了顾客的需求,发现了传统手工艺的价值和商机。   于是,她晚上在家做剪纸,白天四处奔走,寻找代销剪纸的渠道,从此下定决心把剪纸当作自己的事业,开始了艰辛的创业之路。
  Only those who persist
  will prevail
  However, her undertaking was at first objected by her husband, since it didn't have a profitable start and they had a hard life then. "I'm excited when people like my paper-cut works. I can do this, and I will carry on," Chen persisted. And she had scavenged all the small commodity wholesale market in Beijing for sales proxy for her paper-cut works.
  Her years of hard work finally bore fruit. Starting from supplying goods to shop owners, she then had her own counter, and now many orders are directly delivered to her. Moreover, her works won many awards in competitions. "Every detail of our works has its specific meaning such as best wishes and good-wills," said Chen as she demonstrated her award-winning works. "See, this one is called ‘Fish Leaping over the Dragon Gate'. It's one of the most traditional Chinese motifs and it has a good omen of successful careers. We also cooperate with animal protection associations and create a series of animal theme works such as tigers, elephants, which also win applauses from the community."
  Her honors include "Green Peace", which won the Silver Award at The First China Esperanto National Painting and Calligraphy Contest; "Honest and Upright", which won the Award of Excellence in China Xiangshan Anti-corruption Paper-cutting Contest; and "Beijing Olympics", which won the Award of Excellence at Welcome Olympics Paper-cutting Contest. Five of her works were collected by China Agriculture Museum and another one by UN International Science and Peace Promotion Association. In 2009, member of the Party Political Bureau of China and Mayor of Beijing Liu Qi gave high opinion to Chen's works at China Children and Women Industry Expo.
  As Chen's paper-cuts was acknowledged by more people, her passion towards paper-cutting finally converted her husband's mind, who began to learn paper-cutting and then fell in love with this traditional Chinese folk craft.
  此外,其作品《绿色和平》在首届中华世界语全国书画美术大赛荣获银奖作品。《双清图》在中国象山廉政剪纸大赛中荣获优秀奖作品。《奥运北京》在迎奥运剪纸大赛中荣获优秀奖等。还有5幅作品被中国农业博物馆收藏,一幅作品被联合国国际科学与和平促进会收藏。2009年,中央政治局委员北京市市委书记刘淇在中国(北京)国际妇女儿童产业博览会上对陈玉梅的剪纸给予了高度评价。   随着陈玉梅的成绩被越来越多的人认可,她对剪纸艺术的那份执着和热爱,也让爱人的思想有了转变。凭借着这份感动,陈玉梅的爱人也开始学习剪纸并且慢慢爱上了剪纸这项传统的民间工艺。
  Fengtai Women's League in Beijing gave Chen and her "Yumei Paper-cutting Center" great support. It not only designated her works as diplomatic gifts in foreign affairs, but also presented her many opportunities to attend large-scale activities and expos together with the All-China Women's Federation. In September 2013, with the help from Vice Chairperson of Beijing Women's Federation Zhou Zhijun, Chen and four other female artisans from Beijing attended the Ninth Moscow International Handicrafts Festival in Moscow. With her deft hands, skillful technique, unique aesthetic taste and profound cultural understanding, Chen won great honor for the Beijing handicraft industry and the "deft women" Handicraft brand of Beijing Women's Federation.
  Imparting the skills to others
  Full support from her husband gave Chen more momentum. As the orders increased in 2000, Chen decided to recruit people to help her. Initially, she only recruited her neighbors and young girls until she heard something from her husbands' family, which totally changed her mind.
  "Her husband’s brother has a disabled child diagnosed with congenital scoliosis. My sister-in-law said, 'If only she can learn some skills to feed herself when she grows up, I would be happy'. Hearing this I thought I could do something for the disabled. I can teach them how to cut paper, help their families and let them have a career."
  In Snug Home of Fengtai district live a lot of mentally disabled people who can only do some simple work like sub-packaging. Introduced by Fengtai Women's League in 2006, Chen started to teach these handicapped the skills of paper-cutting to help them to stand on their own feet. Beijing TV ran a show about this on January 6, 2008.
  Cao Xiumei, an official of the local community, said," In 2009, Fengtai Women's League, Beijing Women's Federation, and the local street office introduced Master Chen to us to teach these mentally disabled skills like paper-cutting and paper-carving." Although this is not enough to cover all their life expenditures, it does help their families a lot.   Liu Wei, a craftsman who has worked at Chen's workshop for nine years, is one of the recipients of Chen's help. He makes new friends, be treated as a family member and finds his life goals and meaning as well.
  Chen also train local women who are unemployed or relocated, and sets up training classes for children. Vice Chairperson of Women's Federation of Fengtai Chen Li said, "Through this training class, these women can cut paper for Chen Yumei, who then sell these works and gave them money. It's a win-win for both of them. Chen's work can be improved, and these women also have jobs. It also helps family and societal harmony." With Chen's help, more handicapped people joined in this handicraft industry. Even Chen's 4-year-old daughter started to learn this craft and was invited to perform on the stage of a TV program of CCTV on behalf of Yumei Paper-cutting Art Center. This traditional art is thus inherited to be vibrant and alive.
  It's about the end of the year when this interview was conducted, when paper-cut works to celebrate the spring festival was in great demand. Chen and her team were entering into another busy season of business.
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