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1986年版《北京市中药炮制规范》于1990年正式执行,较1960年版、1974年版炮制规范增加了拉丁植物种的来源,并纠正了过去许多不确切的植物来源和药用部位,使药材品种来源更加准确。较1974年版《规范》增加新品种99种,工艺198种。但在近一年边勘误修订和边试行中,发现了一些问题,现分述如下,仅供商榷。1.1986年版炮制规范中炮制工艺的叙述偏于简单笼统,不利于加工生产中工艺的执行。如1960、1974年版炮制规范中对于姜片的浸泡具体规定为:“春秋季用清水浸泡8~20小时,泡至6~7成透时,洗净泥土,捞出闷12~24小时(冬夏季时间适当增减),当内无干心至内外湿度一致时切片。”1986年版炮制规范将于美浸泡概括为:“略泡,洗净,闷透。”此规 The 1986 version of the “Beijing Municipality of Chinese Medicine Preparation” was formally implemented in 1990. Compared with the 1960 edition and the 1974 edition of the concoction specification, it increased the source of the Latin plant species and corrected many inaccurate plant sources and medicinal sites in the past. more precise. Compared with the 1974 edition of the “Specifications”, 99 new varieties and 198 kinds of techniques were added. However, in the renewal of errata corrections and trials in the past year, some problems were discovered. 1. The narrative process of the 1986 edition of the concocted specification is somewhat simple and general and is not conducive to the execution of the process in the production process. Such as 1960, 1974 version of the concocted specifications for ginger immersed specifically as follows: “Spring and autumn with water soak 8 to 20 hours, soaked to 6 to 7 percent penetration, wash the soil, remove nausea 12 to 24 hours (Winter Appropriate increase and decrease in the summer time), when the inside is not dry to the same humidity inside and outside the slice.” 1986 version of the concoction specification will be the United States immersed in general: “a little soak, wash, stuffy through.” This rule
本文对象皮不同炮制品的内在质量变化进行了研究,试图找出象皮的最佳炮制方法。一、药材来源购自本市中药材公司,经 The intrinsic quality changes of different processe
山茱萸为常用中药。又名山萸肉、萸肉、枣皮、药枣,始载于《神农本草经》。来源为山茱萸科植物山茱萸(Cornus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc.)的干燥成熟果肉,有涩精、敛汗、补