
来源 :小城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiwei5520
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一、严峻现实给水厂建造提出新课题我国现处于社会主义初级阶段,旧中国遗留下来的是一穷二白,人多地少,底子薄,生产力十分低下的烂摊子,虽经40年建设,各方面都有了很大转变,由于人口成倍增长,各方面欠帐多和近年来大兴土木,国家在土地与资金方面出现了新问题,据统计,国家耕地以每年800余万亩速度减少,1985年土地减少数高达2396.6万亩,而人口却以每年1300余万的速度递增,人地矛盾十分尖锐,严重地威胁着我们子孙后代的生存,形势十分严峻,这是我国最突出的国情。土地是非常宝贵并十分有限的自然资源,是农业的基本生产资料,也是工业交通和城 First, the harsh realities of water supply plant construction put forward new topics China is now in the initial stage of socialism, old China left behind is a poor and white, many people with less land, a weak foundation, a very low productivity of the mess, although after 40 years of construction, all have A great change has taken place. As the population has grown exponentially, many parties have owed a lot of money, and in recent years there have been major construction projects. The country has faced new problems in terms of land and capital. According to statistics, the country’s arable land is reduced at a rate of more than 800 million mu per year, and land was reduced in 1985. The number is as high as 23,966,000 mu, and the population is growing at an annual rate of more than 13 million. The contradiction between man and land is very acute, and it seriously threatens the survival of our children and grandchildren. The situation is very grim. This is the country’s most outstanding national condition. The land is a very precious and very limited natural resource. It is the basic production material of agriculture and it is also an industrial transportation and city.
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Renishaw Metrology有限公司1990年在英国Wotton—under—Edge建成测头技术发展中心。建筑物占地面积3250m~2,投资额约为242万英镑(约合700万马克)。设有研究和发展部,有两
一、干部岗位效益工资制(一) 干部岗位效益工资制的概念与特点。干部岗位效益工资,是以企业干部为主体,以承包经济责任制和岗位责任制为考核内容,以效益决定工资档次、岗位