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俗话说“一场秋雨一场寒,三场秋雨不穿单,十场秋雨要穿棉”。伴随着阵阵秋雨,有些人出现了种种身体不适。这也提示人们在天气逐渐转凉后,更应注意身体保健,尤其要提防“三虚”。1.预防颈虚在秋风萧瑟的季节,眩晕、头痛等与风邪相关的疾病多了起来。在中医的理论里,风邪有内外之分,其中外风是指自然界的风,秋季风大且温差较大,如果来不及添加 As the saying goes “a cold autumn, three autumn do not wear a single, ten autumn to wear cotton ”. With the autumn bursts, some people experienced various kinds of physical discomfort. This also prompts people to pay more attention to body care after the weather turns cooler, especially beware of the “three deficiency.” 1. Prevention of neck weakness In the autumn windy season, dizziness, headache and other diseases associated with wind evil up more. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Feng Xie has both internal and external points, including outside wind refers to the wind in nature, large autumn wind and temperature difference, if too late to add
Scientists announced on Sunday the first direct evidence that massive floods deep below Antarctica’s ice cover are speeding up the flow of glaciers(冰川)into the sea.  How quickly these huge bodies of i
英语中,“处理”不同的对象有不同的表示方法,你都学会了吗?    do with  do with侧重指“对物品的处理、利用”。在特殊疑问句中,用疑问词what提问。  例1I’ve just bought a new flat. I’m going to do with the old one. 我刚买了一套新房,我正打算处理那套旧房。  例2What shall we do with the
I had been swimming competitively for about five years and was ready to quit,not because I had satisfied my desire to swim,but because I felt I was horrible ati
你想过没有,这个圣诞节谁最忙?是我,领着老得连路都不认得(也走不动)了的圣诞老人满世界跑,给每个心怀童真的人送去了礼物、欢乐以及希望。 Have you ever thought of this