生命之托 重于泰山

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郑树森:浙江龙游人,1950年生,我国著名器官移植及外科学专家、浙江大学教授、博士生导师、中国工程院院士、浙江大学医学院副院长、浙医一院院长,浙江省政协常委,中共十六大代表。我国器官移植领域973项目首席科学家。先后主刀完成肝移植600余例,包括全国最小年龄婴儿活体肝移植、国内首例成人扩大右半肝活体肝移植及高龄患者肝移植,移植成功率达到国际先进水平。肝肾联合移植患者存活时间创全国最长纪录。胰肾联合移植患者已存活近14年,创造并保持亚洲最长纪录。完成肝癌、胆管癌、胰腺癌等肝胆胰外科众多的疑难复杂手术。他承担多项国家级及省部级课题,先后10余次获国家级及省级科技进步奖,并获全国先进工作者、国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家、全国优秀院长、浙江省科学技术重大贡献奖等荣誉称号。 Zheng Shusen: born in 1950 in Zhejiang Province, a famous expert in organ transplantation and surgery in China, a professor and doctoral tutor at Zhejiang University, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, a vice president of Zhejiang University School of Medicine and a director of Zhejiang Medical College, Representative of the 16th CPC National Congress. China’s chief scientist in the field of organ transplantation 973 project. He has completed more than 600 liver transplantations, including the youngest living baby transplant in China. The first adult domestic expansion of right hepatic liver transplantation and advanced liver transplantation has achieved the international advanced level. Patients with liver and kidney transplantation survival time the longest record in the country. Pancreas-kidney transplant patients have survived for nearly 14 years, creating and maintaining the longest record in Asia. Completion of liver cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer and other hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery many difficult complex surgery. He has undertaken a number of national and provincial and ministerial issues, has won more than 10 times the national and provincial scientific and technological progress awards, and by the advanced workers, national outstanding contributions of young and middle-aged experts, the country’s best Dean, Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Major Contribution Award such as the honorary title.
2009年的CES是真正意义上的开门红,对于手机玩家来说更是前所未有的兴奋时刻,蛰伏许久的Palm终于推出了划时代的智能手机新品Palm Pre,这款产品不仅会改变Palm已经游离主流的
最是那一低头的温柔,演绎的却并非水莲花不胜凉风的娇羞:谁说高贵就必须仰起头,俯首间,诺基亚J演绎着极致简单的奢华风情。 The most is the gentle bow, interpretation of
1 基本情况在磷铵生产中,为提高浓缩蒸发强度,必须对Ⅱ效闪蒸室排出的闪蒸汽进行冷凝,再通过蒸汽喷射器,将Ⅱ效闪蒸室的真空控制在50~60kPa。目前国内同类厂家主要采用表面冷凝器或混合式