恭喜,中国;贺喜,中国企业家和全国人民、全球华人。 低头认真研读、领会江泽民同志“七·一讲话”,抬头笑迎北京申办2008年奥运会成功和正在加速的中国入世进程,中华民族真的进入了一个前所未有、千载难逢的大开放、大发展、大繁荣的历史阶段;全世界讶然发现:中国共产党经过80春秋的风雨洗礼,中国经过20余年的改革开放,中华雄狮真的已经苏醒了,东方巨龙真的开始腾飞了!
Congratulations, China; Hershey, Chinese entrepreneurs and people all over the world, Chinese people worldwide. Bow carefully to read and understand Comrade Jiang Zemin's “July 1 Speech” and look forward to welcoming Beijing's bid to host the successful and accelerating China's accession process to the WTO in 2008. The Chinese nation has indeed entered into an unprecedentedly open and prosperous development with great prosperity and great prosperity The history of the world; the world was surprised to find that: After the Chinese Communist Party through the storm of 80 years of baptism, China after more than 20 years of reform and opening up, the Chinese lion has really awakened, the Eastern Dragon really took off!