
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:evavincent
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  The Week of Transgender Visibility recently took place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, with three days of events and initiatives supported within the AIDS Tchê initiative, part of a UN Integrated Plan designed to support the poorest and most remote areas of the country.
  Porto Alegre is the Brazilian city with the highest incidence rate of AIDS: 99.8 per 100,000, while the national average is 17.9. A recent study from one of the city’s hospitals indicates that seroprevalence among transgender women in Porto Alegre is quite high.
  Stigma and discrimination against transgender people are regarded as the main fuel for such increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. The violence against their daily basic expression of self leaves them out of the development process, undermines their life choices and excludes them from enjoying basic needs such as formal education, work and health care.
  As with homophobic violence, transphobic violence remains rampant in Brazil and throughout the region. Latin America accounts for almost 80 percent of reported murders of transgender people in the world, and more than half of these deaths occur in Brazil, where 550 trans people are reported to have been killed since 2008.
  Although these figures are already worrying, human rights leaders believe they may be even higher, as many transvestites and transsexuals in the bulletins are classified as homosexuals or men who have sex with men. Another obstacle is the lack of infrastructure for accurately monitoring these numbers in the country.
  Changing the civil registry is the first step for ensuring a better quality of life for transgender people, facilitating their access to school, work and health facilities. Along with the process of changing the official identity card (RG), some states now offer an identity card that includes the social name for transgender people. To be submitted along with the RG, the social-name identity card has helped prevent many embarrassing public situations, such as in health facilities.
【摘要】目的:观察纤维支气管镜检查对血压的影响,为临床工作提供参考资料。方法:选择30例血压正常患者在行纤维支气管镜检查前及术后5分钟,分别测量血压。结果:30例患者行纤维支气管检查前后收缩压及舒张压均无明显变化(P>0.01)。结论:正常血压患者接受纤维支气管镜检查前后血压变化不大。    纤维支气管镜已成为诊断肺部疾病的重要工具,由于纤维支气管镜为侵入性的检查,该检查可引起血气,肺功能及心电图
医院行政人员是人才建设中的重中之重。继续教育作为以学习新理论、新知识、新技术和新方法为主的一种终生性教育。开展医院管理学继续教育可在短时间内改善行政人员现状和目前医院的管理状况,使医院管理发展的速度与医疗技术发展相适应,只有这样才能有效地促进医院的整体发展。    1开展医院管理学继续教育的作用    1.1普及行政人员现代医院管理知识,满足个性发展的需求。  1.2培养造就高层次医院管理人才。 
和谐的人际关系是人的基本需要。护理管理者应意识到建立和改善人际关系,让护理人员以积极、乐观、健康的状态全身心地投入到工作中,是自己的责任。工作中应主动引导群体朝着积极、健康的人际关系发展,这不仅是  对护士本身有益,更是对病人负责。    1现代护理人员心理状态分析    当今人们对医疗卫生服务需求日益增长,而护士数量又普遍不足,脑力和体力支出超过自身的承受能力,加上频繁倒班,影响护士生理及心理健
随着我国医疗改革的发展和深入,社会主义市场经济的稳步推进、患者法律意识和对医疗服务质量的要求及自我保护意识增强,医疗服务市场出现了大量的医疗纠纷,影响了医院的正常发展。因此,医疗纠纷的防范已成为各级卫生行政管理部门和医院必须予以重视和解决的紧迫问题。    1医疗纠纷的原因    1.1患方的原因  1.1.1 患者对医疗的期望值过高随着经济体制改革和产业结构的调整,大量失业下岗人员的生活水平比较
在临床护理实践中,由于病人个体差异很大及病情多变,患者对护理质量、护理安全提出了更高的要求,用法律衡量护理行为和后果意识不断增强,使护士在执业过程中遭遇护患纠纷的情况可能随时存在和发生。如何杜绝护理差错和事故,提高护理技术操作和护理质量,避免纠纷的发生,是护理人员应该重视和探讨的问题。    1护患矛盾的原因    1.1护理人员方面  1.1.1 护理人员法制观念淡薄在护理工作中,护士随意的一句
1医院管理会计的工作范围和方法    1.1预测与决策  预测与决策主要是为单位管理者预测前景、经营决策和规划未来等经济活动服务,其主要任务是确保医院的各项资源(含人、财、物)得到最经济、最合理、最有效的配制和应用,以获取最大的经济效益。例如药品的库存数量应为多少时既能保证医院运转的正常需要,又能最大限度地降低库存药品占用资金数额等方面的问题,都能通过管理会计的相关方法分析得出。  1.2规划和控
Gao Shang, a young child who experienced two complex heart surgeries, is one among the 300 disadvantaged children receiving help from the 2012 Medical Aid Program of Children’s Hope.  Xixi came to the
自1942年经动物实验证明,氮芥具有抗癌作用以后,癌症化疗得到了迅速发展,化疗效果也日益提高,但抗恶性肿瘤药在杀伤癌细胞的同时,对人体的某些正常组织细胞亦有一定损害,做好化疗间歇期的康复护理,可以保证每个化疗周期药物按时,按剂量应用,使肿瘤化疗效果更接近于根治水平。现将化疗间歇期常见的毒副反应,不良的心理反应和相应护理要点介绍如下:    1化疗间歇期的毒副反应和相应的康复护理要点    1.1消
Promoting equality, including social equality, gender equality and women’s empowerment was one of three key topics on the agenda for the eighth session of the Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable D