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1 安全带的使用 在没有脚手架或者在没有栏杆的脚手架上工作,高度超过1.5米时,必须使用安全带,或采取其他可靠的安全措施。工作前(包括杆、塔上工作)应先检查安全带是否完好,试验是否超周期、标签是否齐全,再看系安全带的构件是否牢固。工作中应根据作业环境的具体情况及时系好大带,作业点邻近有带电设备时,工作人员必须保持足够的安全距离或必要的安全技术措施完备后,方可进行作业(系小带时,原则上不与大带扣挂在同一铁件或同一部位,这是多起人身伤害事故教训的经验总结)。 2 安全带的管理 安全带应选购国家有关部门认定的定点厂家的合格产品。安全带一般每月进行一次全面检查:查组件完整,无短缺,无伤残;查绳索、编织带无脆裂、断股或扭结;查皮革配件完好无伤残;查金属配件无裂纹,无焊接缺陷,无严重锈蚀;查挂钩的钩舌咬口平整不错位,保险装置完整可靠;查活梁卡子的活梁灵活,表面滚花良好,与框边间距符合要求;查铆钉无明显偏位,表面平整;查功能正常,定期检验合格。 安全带的校验一般为静负荷拉力试 1 The use of seat belts in the absence of scaffolding or non-railings in the scaffolding work more than 1.5 meters in height, you must use seat belts, or take other reliable safety measures. Before work (including poles, work on the tower) should first check whether the seat belt is intact, the test is super-cycle, the label is complete, look at the seat belt components are solid. Work should be based on the specific circumstances of the operating environment, a good and timely Department of large banding, the operating point adjacent charged equipment, the staff must maintain a sufficient safety distance or necessary safety and technical measures before the completion of the operation (Department of small, In principle, not with the big buckle hanging in the same piece of iron or the same position, which is more lessons learned from personal injury experience summary). 2 seat belts management seat belts should be selected by the relevant state departments designated manufacturers of qualified products. Seat belts generally conduct a comprehensive monthly inspection: check the components intact, no shortage, no disability; check the rope, braided without brittle fracture, strand or kink; check leather accessories intact; check metal parts without cracks, no Welding defects, no serious corrosion; check the hook knuckle bite formation is not bad bit, the insurance device is complete and reliable; live beam check live beam flexible, surface knurling well, with the box edge spacing to meet the requirements; check rivets no obvious deviation , The surface is flat; check function is normal, regular inspection qualified. Seat belt calibration is generally static load test
本刊讯 近日.江苏省灌云县政府办公室下发了《关于禁止生产和使用粘土砖、加快发展新型墙体材料的通知》。根据通知.自2013年6月30日起.县城规划区内禁止生产和使用粘土砖:自2015
小学阶段儿童面临各种各样的学习决策。为了优化学习,他们需要决定是否学习一项材料并且对学习材料排序,将努力与注意资源选择性地投入目标相关信息(Castel et al.2012)。学