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“档案是马钢振兴的高参。”这是公司一位企业管理工作者的话,为马钢的进步发展和档案工作的关系作了拟人化的洗炼结论。这里实录的是笔者在参加马钢公司档案管理晋升国家一级考评、学习活动中关于“档高参”的片断见闻。 “The file is a high reference for the rejuvenation of Masteel.” This is a corporate management worker at the company and has made anthropomorphic conclusions about the relationship between the progress and archival work of Masteel. Record here is the author to participate in Maanshan Iron and Steel Company file management promotion at the national level assessment, learning activities on the “file high reference” piece of anecdote.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
我负责的科技档案馆,多年来除存有大量的文字资料外,还存有许多土地航照、工程等彩色及黑白照片。怎样保存好这些照片呢? 以前,我曾将较小的照片用影集保存,较大的航照片用