一、繁殖技术 1.亲鱼培育:埃及塘虱鱼亲鱼越冬后,鱼体消瘦,为迅速恢复体质和满足性腺发育的需要,必须加强管理,精心培育。一般3月下旬,水温开始回升时,亲鱼便要出池放塘精养,放养密度以每亩300~500斤(100~150对为宜),雌雄混养。饲料以混合饲料、花生枯为主,结合投喂部分鱼粉和小杂鱼等。投饲量根据水温上升和亲鱼摄食量的增加而逐渐增大,最大投饲量为体重的10~15%,每天上午及下午各投喂一次,每周冲注新水1~2次,保持水色清新,有利于亲鱼性腺的发育。 家庭养殖可用水泥池或小土池作亲鱼培育池,为避免亲鱼相互磨擦和
First, the breeding technology 1. Broodstock breeding: Egyptian pond louse fish overwintering, fish body weight loss, rapid recovery of constitution and meet the needs of gonadal development, we must strengthen management, carefully nurtured. Generally in late March, when the water temperature starts to rise, the broodstock will have to go out into the pond for intensive cultivation. The stocking density should be 300-500 kg per acre (100-150 pairs), and both male and female polygamy. Feed to mixed feed, peanut-based, with part of the feeding of fish meal and small trash and so on. The amount of feeding increased gradually according to the increase of water temperature and the intake of broodstock. The maximum feeding amount was 10-15% of the body weight. Every morning and afternoon, the feeding rate was varied. The fresh water was infused 1 ~ 2 times a week Aqua fresh, is conducive to the development of broodstock gonads. Family farming can be used as a small pond or cement pool broodstock breeding pool, in order to avoid the mutual friction of broodstock and