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《灌园叟晚逢仙女》是一篇新入选的课文。这篇课文中有几个问题,很值得探讨研究。 (一)作者、作品和时代背景及作者写作意图应该怎样介绍? 教师可以让学生对作者有个概括的了解,但不宜过多,如介绍作者时,指出冯梦龙(1574—1646)字犹龙,又字子犹,明代江苏长洲(今苏州)人。他博学多能,编过不少书,但最大的成就还是在编辑短篇小说集《三言》方面。《三言》即《喻世明言》《警世通言》《醒世恒言》的合称,本文选自《恒言》。作者在《恒言》自序中说,写书的目的是想通过小说来劝喻世人、警戒世人、唤醒世人。当然由于作者所处的时代及世界观的局限,他想用以教育人的作品,并不全是进步的,所以读时应该批判接受,教师可不必引导学生去阅读《三言》。作者所处的时代是封建时代,劳动人民普遍受着封建官吏和地主豪绅的残酷剥削压迫。他们有冤无处申,有苦无处诉,因此,作者在同情劳动人民的悲惨遭遇而又无可奈 “Guanyuan Evening Every Fairy” is a newly selected text. There are several issues in this text that are worth exploring. (A) How should the author, work, and background of the times and the writing intention of the author be introduced? The teacher can allow the students to have a general understanding of the author, but should not be too much, such as the introduction of the author, pointed out that Feng Menglong (1574-1646) is the word Yau Lung, And Zi Zi still, the Ming Dynasty Jiangsu Changzhou (now Suzhou) people. He learned many things and edited many books, but his greatest achievement was editing short stories about the Three Words. The “three words” are the collective name of “Yu Shiming”, “Public Words” and “Awakening Words”. This article is selected from “Yan Yan.” The author stated in the preface to “Zheng Yan” that the purpose of writing is to use the novel to counsel the world, alert the world, and awaken the world. Of course, due to the age of the author and the limitations of world views, he thought that the works used to educate people are not all progressive, so they should be accepted critically when they are read. Teachers do not have to lead students to read the Three Words. The author was in the era of feudalism, and the working people were generally oppressed by the cruel exploitation of feudal bureaucrats and landlords. They have nowhere to apply, and they have nowhere to complain. Therefore, the author is sympathetic to the tragic experience of the working people and has nothing to do.
1982年10月,上海市数学会邀请法国科学院院士G·Choquet教授在上海市科学会堂向部分数学教师作报告,谈了关于初等几何教学的一些看法。今将讲稿译出,供参考。 In October 19