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(一)教材说明:向日葵是重要油料作物之一。教材首先比较全面地介绍了它的经济价值,接着又简单叙达了向日葵的整个栽培技术,体现了栽培的全部过程。向日葵的适应性强,1953年和1954年,政府曾两次提出增产油料作物,号召全国人民利用不适于粮食生产的盐碱地及其他空隙荒地积极种植向日葵等油料作物。因此它已为广大儿童种植活动内容之一。它也确是一个理论与实践相互印证的好学习材料。向日葵的人工授粉,是增产的重要措施之一,也是本课介绍的主要内容。教学时要作重点讲授。不但要求儿童懂得授粉这一知识,而且要能掌握向日葵授粉的实际技 (I) Description of textbook: Sunflower is one of the important oil crops. The textbook first introduced its economic value more comprehensively, and then it simply described the entire cultivation technology of sunflower and embodied the whole process of cultivation. The adaptability of sunflowers was strong. In 1953 and 1954, the government proposed to increase the production of oil crops twice and called on the people throughout the country to actively plant sunflower and other oil crops using saline land and other wasteland that are not suitable for grain production. Therefore it has been one of the contents of the majority of children’s planting activities. It is also a good learning material that is mutually corroborated by theory and practice. Artificial pollination of sunflower is one of the important measures to increase production, and it is also the main content of this lesson. Teaching should focus on teaching. Not only do children require knowledge of pollination, but they also need to be able to grasp the practical skills of sunflower pollination.
Among the 1600 exhibitors who take apart in the ITMA ASIA+CITME2014 2/3 are Chinese manufactures.If the numerous figures failed to attract your attention,the in
和很多演艺界“歌红人不红”的歌手一样尴尬,博雅互动在香港成功上市之前,也一直表现得默默无闻。但是它出品的德克萨斯扑克、斗地主、十六张麻将、十三张麻将、锄大地、大老二、大话骰、桌球、双扣等棋牌益智类游戏和开心宝贝、虫虫特攻队、地产大亨、城市猎人等社区类游戏却吸引了全球3.5亿注册用户。  2013年11月12日的招股公告显示,博雅互动发售价定为5.35港元,开盘后涨到6.75港元,市值高达44.93
地处昌平与海淀交界,紧邻京藏高速,一家以电力行业为特色的国家级大学科技园深耕多年,今年彷如一匹黑马,依靠中关村国家自主创新示范区和昌平园的支持,在高校科技园创业创新领域一路领先,超越了很多“老牌劲旅”。它就是华北电力大学国家大学科技园。  经过近一年的改革发展,新的管理团队通过不断探索和创新园区管理和服务,终于不负众望,各项指标从无到有,由弱变强,开启了华电科技园的二次创业之旅。  自2013年3
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省教育厅在召开中、初等学校优秀教师代表会議的同时,为了进一步交流教师們的教学經驗,举办了中、初等学校教学成績展览会. 展出品共四千余件,包括学校行政領导工作、班主任