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在现代生活和技术中,我们常常会遇到许多需要测量的现象,为了进行测量,人们创造了各种各样的测量仪器。我们应该认识这些仪器并知道它们的原理和用途。在这里画出了14种常见的需要测量的现象,按图上的次序它们是:风的速度,飞机上升的高度,机器旋转的速度,照相时的光度,屋子里的湿度,机器脚踏车的速度,气体的压力,电压、电流与电阻的大小,液体的比重,复杂形状的面积,炽热物体的温度,晶体的角度,植物生长的速度,金属丝的粗细。同时图上也画出了14种测量这些现象的仪器。但是图上的人并没有用合适的仪器去测量这些现象,譬如他们用跑表测量风的速度和机器旋转的速度,用重锤测量飞机的高度,用计算尺计算照相时的光度,用算盘计算机器脚踏车的速度等。你说他们为什么不能这样地测量,他们应该用什么仪器去测量这些现象,这些仪器叫什么名字,它们根据的原理是什么? In modern life and technology, we often encounter many phenomena that need to be measured. In order to make measurements, people have created a variety of measuring instruments. We should know these instruments and know their principles and uses. Here are 14 common phenomena that need to be measured. They are the speed of the wind, the height of the aircraft’s rise, the speed of the machine’s rotation, the brightness of the camera, the humidity in the room, and the speed of the bike. , The pressure of gas, the size of voltage, current and resistance, the specific gravity of the liquid, the area of ​​the complex shape, the temperature of the glowing object, the angle of the crystal, the speed of the growth of the plant, the thickness of the wire. At the same time, 14 types of instruments for measuring these phenomena are also drawn on the diagram. However, people on the map did not measure these phenomena with suitable instruments. For example, they measured the speed of the wind with a stopwatch and the speed of the machine’s rotation, measured the height of the aircraft with a heavy hammer, calculated the photometric brightness with a slide rule, and used an abacus. The speed of the computer bike, etc. Why do you say that they cannot measure in this way, what instruments should they use to measure these phenomena, what are the names of these instruments, and what principle are they based on?
Among the 1600 exhibitors who take apart in the ITMA ASIA+CITME2014 2/3 are Chinese manufactures.If the numerous figures failed to attract your attention,the in
和很多演艺界“歌红人不红”的歌手一样尴尬,博雅互动在香港成功上市之前,也一直表现得默默无闻。但是它出品的德克萨斯扑克、斗地主、十六张麻将、十三张麻将、锄大地、大老二、大话骰、桌球、双扣等棋牌益智类游戏和开心宝贝、虫虫特攻队、地产大亨、城市猎人等社区类游戏却吸引了全球3.5亿注册用户。  2013年11月12日的招股公告显示,博雅互动发售价定为5.35港元,开盘后涨到6.75港元,市值高达44.93