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实施倾斜性的公交优先优惠政策,包括政策保护优先、规划建设优先、交通通道优先和社会效益优先四个方面。政策保护优先,即城市公交作为城市公用事业,具有明显的服务和公益的性质,在现阶段还带有一定的福利性,其持续发展必须首先得到政府政策保护,包括财政拨款、价格、税收等方面给予充分的保护性政策。规划建设优先,是指在制定城市总体规划时要重点考虑城市交通规划,并且必须优先考虑公共交通规划,在有关建设项目立项、用地、投资等方面给予优先安排。交通通道优先,是指开辟公交专用道优先、交叉路口优先疏导公交车放行等。社会效益优先,是指公共交通要以最佳社会效益为宗旨,以便捷、舒适、安全为目的,首先服从城市经济社会发展和人民群众生活大局。在城市规划建设中实行公交优先公交场站建设、用地和资金的安排上要统筹规划,改变目前存在的公交首末站点中大多数无固定场站的状况,尤其是要防止规划了长途汽车枢纽站而无公交配套站这种不科学的现象发生,在规划大容量公共设施和商务设施以及居民小区的同时,必须有公交场站的规划,否则不予审批项目;对于公交场站需要的土地 The implementation of tilt priority bus priority policies, including the priority of the protection of the policy, planning and construction priority, the priority of traffic corridor and social priority four aspects. Priority is given to the protection of policies. Urban public transportation, as an urban public utility, has obvious service and public welfare properties. It also has certain welfare benefits at this stage. Its sustainable development must first be protected by government policies including financial appropriation, prices, taxes, etc. Give full protection policy. The priority of planning and construction means that urban transportation planning should be given priority in formulating the master plan of a city and priority should be given to public transport planning and prioritization should be given in connection with the project construction, land use and investment. Traffic channel priority, is to give priority to the development of bus lanes, cross the intersection of priority given to divert the bus and so on. The priority of social benefits means that public transportation should be based on the best social benefits and be convenient, comfortable and safe. First of all, obey the overall economic and social development of the city and the general living conditions of the people. In the urban planning and construction of the implementation of bus priority bus station construction, land and capital arrangements to co-ordinate the planning to change the current existence of the first and last stations of the station without a fixed station situation, in particular, to prevent the planning of the coach hub Station without bus supporting station This unscientific phenomenon occurs in the planning of large-capacity public facilities and business facilities and residential area at the same time, there must be bus station planning, or not to approve the project; for the bus station needs land
校园学生伤害事故往往给学校造成很大压力,处理好这类事故的关键是要定位学校与学生的法律关系以及伤害事故的归责原则问题。 School student injury accidents often cause
一、交通基础设施建设对国土资源的影响 1.挤占大量耕地 土地,特别是耕地,是人类所有生活和生产活动必不可少的一种自然资源。公路、铁路、机场等交通基础设施建设,往往要
就在社会媒体对民航改革和航空企业重组倍加关注之时,一向给人以四平八稳、不紧不慢印象的机场业近来频频闪出亮点。 酝酿已久的京津机场联合终于迈出实质性的一步。与此同时,
1  托张小盒同学的福,我又看了一次《恋爱中的犀牛》。没看这部戏之前,我以为能在舞台上看到一头或者多头犀牛,结果没见到犀牛,却看到了自己的浅薄,这部名气很大的戏把我弄得云里雾里,毫无头绪。  既然已经看了两次,为什么还要看第三次?首先,上两次都没看懂;第二,这票是张小盒免费提供的,不看白不看。小盒跟我讲,票原本是给他老婆准备的,但昨天他老婆跟他妈妈吵了一架,他妈妈自己买了机票飞回山东老家,他老婆被
本文认为以学生为主体,以行动学习为途径,以案例教学法、角色扮演法和问题导向法等为主要教学方法,能够不断提高学生学习的积极性,顺利实现教学目的。 This paper argues th
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