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  摘译自Enjoy English
  I’ve spent most of my career as a traveling salesman, and so I know that battling loneliness is an occupational hazard1. But one year, my little girl Jeanine gave me the cure medicine for my homesickness.
   It had black beady eyes, a red bow tie and orange feet—a stuffed penguin that stood about five inches tall. Attached to its left wing was a little sign bearing the hand-painted declaration “I Love My Dad!”.I immediately granted the penguin a special place on my dresser.
   On my next trip, I threw the penguin in my suit-case. That night when I called home, Jeanine was upset that the penguin had disappeared. “Honey, he’s here with me,” I explained, “I brought him along.”
   From then on, the penguin came with me—as es-sential as my briefcase or shaving kit. And we made friends along the way. In Albuquerque2, I checked into a hotel, dumped out my bag and dashed to a meeting. When I returned, the maid had turned down the bed and stood the penguin on the pillow. In Boston, I found it perched3 in a glass on the nightstand. Once a customs agent at New York’s Kennedy Airport dug the penguin out of my suitcase and, holding it up, said, “Thank God we don’t charge a tax on love, or you’d owe a bundle.”
   One night, I discovered the penguin missing, and after a frantic phone call, I learned I’d left it in my previous hotel room, where it had been rescued by a maid. I drove a hundred miles to retrieve4 it, and when I arrived at midnight, the penguin was waiting at the front desk. In the lobby, tired business travelers looked on at the reunion—I think with a touch of envy.
   Jeanine is in college now, and I don’t travel as much. The penguin sits on my dresser, a reminder that love is a wonderful traveling companion. All those years on the road, it was the one thing I never left home without.

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