Quantitative genetic analysis of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters in maize in the field environ

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feifeijoy
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Chlorophyll fluorescence transient from initial to maximum fluorescence(“P” step) throughout two intermediate steps(“J” and “I”)(JIP‐test) is considered a reliable early quantitative indicator of stress in plants. The JIP‐test is particularly useful for crop plants when applied in variable field environments. The aim of the present study was to conduct a quantitative trait loci(QTL) analysis for nine JIP‐test parameters in maize during flowering in four field environments differing in weather conditions. QTL analysis and identification of putative candidate genes might help to explain the genetic relationship between photosynthesis and different field scenarios in maize plants. The JIP‐test parameters were analyzed in the intermated B73 Mo17(IBM) maize population of 205 recombinant inbred lines. A set of 2,178 molecular markers across the whole maize genome was used for QTL analysis revealing 10 significant QTLs for seven JIP‐test parameters, of which five were co‐localized when combinedover the four environments indicating polygenic inheritance and pleiotropy. Our results demonstrate that QTL analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters was capable of detecting one pleiotropic locus on chromosome 7, coinciding with the gene gst23 that may be associated with efficient photosynthesis under different field scenarios. Chlorophyll fluorescence transient from initial to maximum fluorescence (“P” step) Over two intermediate steps (“J ” and “I ”) (JIP-test) was considered a reliable early quantitative indicator of stress in plants. The aim of the present study was to conduct a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for nine JIP-test parameters in maize during flowering in four field environments differing in weather conditions. QTL analysis and identification of putative candidate genes might help to explain the genetic relationship between photosynthesis and different field scenarios in maize plants. The JIP-test parameters were analyzed in the intermated B73 Mo17 (IBM) maize population of 205 recombinant inbred lines . A set of 2,178 molecular markers across the whole maize genome was used for QTL analysis revealing 10 significant QTLs for seven JIP-test parameters, of which five were co-loc alized when combined combine the four environments indicating polygenic inheritance and pleiotropy. Our results demonstrate that QTL analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters was capable of detecting one pleiotropic locus on chromosome 7, coinciding with the gene gst 23 that may be associated with efficient photosynthesis under different field scenarios.
一、任务型教学案例   案例背景   本节课是7A Unit 6第二课时Reading部分,是一节阅读课,其主要内容是:“The fashion show”这一话题,它是本单元的中心内容。从教材的整合来说,本部分既有服装及颜色形容词用法的延续,又为后面Main task(中心任务)要求学生设计服装、制作墙报的学习打下基础,具有承上启下的作用;再则,从本单元来说它既是本单元的基本语言内容,又为本
摘 要:语言与文化是密不可分的,随着我国日趋国际化,外语专业也成了很多高校的热门专业。要想学好一门语言,在掌握单词、语法的同时,更要对语言所承载的文化有所了解,这对日后的跨文化交流也有很大帮助。本文从高校外语教学和跨文化交际之间的关系,找出了其中存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决。  关键字:外语;跨文化;交际  随着我国加入WTO,我们与外国文化交流的机会也越来越多了,这样也给我们带来了很多挑战。
一、2011年江苏高考听力情况简介   2011年江苏高考听力语速正常,总体难度略有提高。无论是第一节的短对话还是第二节的长对话,听力材料的信息量较大,反映真实的生活情景,口语材料丰富,也是学生所熟悉的。最后一段材料是关于采访对做梦的研究,四道题中有三道题是以“Why”开头的特殊疑问句,另一道题是关于受访者的观点,有一定难度。这段材料的四道题对考生的听力和所听材料的理解有较高要求。   二、高
摘 要:本文分析了高职学生写作水平低下的原因,并就此提出了提高其写作水平的建议。  一,引言:  学者束定芳曾指出:大学生毕业后真正称得上外语过关,即能用外语进行一般的交流的不超过10%,通过大学英语四六级考试的大学生,几乎50%无法熟练地使用英语进行口头和书面的交流[4]。据了解,大部分高职学生就业于私企,外企或合资企业,他们的涉外业务较多,这要求他们在涉外的日常和业务活动中能进行简单的口头和
这是一节三年级第4单元B部分的对话课,教学内容是have some fruits的对话,这课的教学难点比较多,8个句子中有5个句子是新的,而且这一对话的2句来自前一对话,前面A部分的对话