Research on a processing model of CMP 6H-SiC(0001) single crystal wafer

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:and113
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Firstly, this paper presents an orthogonal test of six factors and five levels, called the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process parameters experiment, for determining the best process parameters and ranking the influencing factors from primary to secondary. The three most important factors are the polishing pressure, the polishing liquid concentration and the relative velocity ratio of polishing disk to polishing carrier. Then, based on this analysis, the three factors and three levels of the quadratic orthogonal regression test are put forward. A mathematical model impacting the surface roughness has also been set up. Finally, this work has achieved a polished wafer, whose material removal rate (MRR) is in the range of 70–90 nm/h and the surface roughness (Ra) is between 0.3 nm and 0.5 nm. Firstly, this paper presents an orthogonal test of six factors and five levels, called the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process parameters experiment, for determining the best process parameters and ranking the influencing factors from primary to secondary. The three most important factors are the polishing pressure, the polishing liquid concentration and the relative velocity ratio of polishing disk to polishing carrier. Then, based on this analysis, the three factors and three levels of the quadratic orthogonal regression test are put forward. A mathematical model impacting the surface roughness has Finally, this work has achieved a polished wafer, whose material removal rate (MRR) is in the range of 70-90 nm / h and the surface roughness (Ra) is between 0.3 nm and 0.5 nm.
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