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  她是电影和舞台剧《苏丝黄的世界》(The World of Suzie Wong)里的一个角色。故事发生在上世纪50年代的香港湾仔,讲的是一个叫苏丝黄的香港妓女与一个白人男子罗伯特相爱了。电影和舞台剧都轰动了西方,让当时无数的西方男人幻想着,有美丽的穿旗袍的东方美女青睐自己。
  Narrator 1: The first and traditional 1)cheong-sam was baggy and wide. It was supposed to cover most of the woman’s body, revealing only the head, the hands and the tips of the toe.
  Narrator 2: But over the years the cheong-sam has become more 2)figure-hugging and revealing. And in 3)contemporary movies, they are even seen as a symbol of the female sexuality.
  Narrator 1: Cheong-sam represents both the ancient and modern China. Its origin can be traced back to the 20s when Shanghai’s trade routes with the West brought in new Western ideas, shaping the dress to the body. The blend of the ancient with modern, Western with Eastern, in cheong-sam can be well reflected in this exhibition. Hello Izzy.
  Izzy: Hello.
  Narrator 1: Well, I see the cultural elements you’ve put into your cheong-sam design. So where do you get your ideas from?
  Izzy: Well, when I’m preparing this vision of a cheong-sam, I’m looking at the cultural and social movement, and also the cultural history of cheong-sam. So I’ve uncovered a history in China and why cheong-sam emerged during that very political period of time. So those elements of, social cultural elements, was also one of 4)conservations and become one of the ingredients for my 5)interpretations of cheong-sam.
  Narrator 1: Wanchai Suzie Wong 6)mazes many Westerners. How do you think cheong-sam plays a role in representing Chinese women?
  Izzy: The cheong-sam that she was wearing in the movie. She played this fictional character as a Wanchai bar girl. So she essentially played a 7)prostitute in the movie. So it’s reasonable the cheong-sam has to be sexy because that is her profession. So what she expresses in the movie is something very close, closely-fitting with the body, very sensual. And also, sort of, also a kind of sexiness comes into play.
  And because the movie was done in 1959, and it was hugely popular, even before the movie, because of the projections of the musical—it was already hit the box office in the late 50s before the movie came into place. So lots of people exposed to Suzie Wong. And there was also the time where Hong Kong was the mysterious Orient. So this movie, basically, opened up the eyes of all the foreigners. And that was also significantly introduced cheong-sam to Western audiences.


  翻译:moon cake
  The cheong-sam, also known as the qipao or mandarin gown, is a body-hugging (modified in Shanghai) one-piece dress for women.
  The English loanword[外来词] cheong-sam comes from the Cantonese pronunciation of the original Shanghainese term. In most western countries and in the Cantonese dialect[方言] cheong-sam is the name of a garment[外衣] worn by both men and women. Chinese who do not speak the Cantonese dialect view the cheong-sam as an exclusively male dress and use the word qipao for its female equivalent. In Cantonese usage, the word qipao is either interchangeable[可互换的] with the female cheong-sam or refers to the two-piece qipao variant that is popular in mainland China.
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