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中央早就提出经济特区要起示范作用,最近,广东省委又确定要把珠江三角洲经济区建设成为有中国特色的社会主义示范区。深圳作为我国最早建立的经济特区,是在邓小平同志有中国特色社会主义理论指导下,贯彻党的基本路线,改革开放和经济建设发展最快的地区,它已经并将继续在探索建设有中国特色社会主义的道路上起先行、试验和示范的作用。深圳应该从建设成为有中国特色社会主义示范区的高度,来思考和规划特区建设的模式。当前应在以下几个方面起示范作用: 一、如何在社会主义制度下,在生产资料公有的条件下,更快、更好地发展社会生产力,增强综合国力,提高人民生活水平。小平同志说:“社会主义的优越性归根到底要体现在它的生产力比资本主义发展得更快一些、更高一些,并且在发展生产力的基础上不断改善人民的物质文化生活。”有中国特色的礼会主义的一个根本特点就是持续、稳定、快速地发展生产力,走共同富裕之路。经过十几年的实践,我们已经在中国大 The Central Government has long put forward that the special economic zone should play an exemplary role. Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee also decided to establish the Pearl River Delta Economic Area as a socialist demonstration zone with Chinese characteristics. As the earliest established special economic zone in our country, Shenzhen is under the guidance of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping’s basic line, carrying out the Party’s basic line of reform and opening up and the fastest-growing areas for economic construction. It has and will continue to explore the construction of a special zone with Chinese characteristics On the road to socialism, we should take the lead, experiment and demonstration. Shenzhen should think and plan the mode of special economic zone construction from the perspective of building a socialist model zone with Chinese characteristics. At present, we should play an exemplary role in the following aspects: First, under the socialist system, under the condition of public ownership of the means of production, we should develop social productive forces faster and better, enhance overall national strength and raise people’s living standards. Comrade Xiaoping said: “The superiority of socialism should, in the final analysis, be reflected in its productivity being faster and more developed than that of capitalism and on the basis of developing productive forces, continuously improving people’s material and cultural life.” One of the fundamental features of the doctrine of socialism is to develop the productive forces in a sustained, stable and rapid manner and take the road to common prosperity. After more than 10 years of practice, we have been in China