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6月27日新华日报出了一个专页,题目叫“打开原料材料宝庫的钥匙”,主要是报道无锡轻工业职工怎样运用“产、节、代、综、挖、协”六字经验,有效地解决原材料的供应问题,促进了生产。这个版面是用两边对称的办法编排的,文章的地位,图片的排列都是对称的,标题还像对联那样,在版面的中心,一连串排了“产,节、代、综、挖、协”六个大字。这个专页发表后,引起了很多读者的注意。有的说,看到这版报道,“眼前顿觉一亮”,有的说,“思想大开,精神为之一振”,认为这个专页“强烈地宣传了增产节约运动中的一个关键问题,主题鲜明,给人教育很大”。扬州汽车运输公司有个读者说:“为了看这版专页,连午睡都忘记了。”读者提出的这些意见,鼓舞了我们,也使我们认识到改进文风的道路。首先使我们认识到:改进新闻报道的文风,主要决定于内容。我们过去总认为,工业生产部门多、内容复杂,各行各业的生产技术和业务要求又各不同。 On June 27, Xinhua Daily published a special page titled “The Key to Opening the Treasury of Raw Materials,” which mainly reported on the experience of Wuxi’s light industry workers in using the “production, festival, generation, integration, digging and association” Solve the supply of raw materials, and promote the production. The layout is arranged on both sides of the symmetry approach, the status of the article, the picture is arranged symmetrically, the title is also like the couplet, as in the layout of the center, a series of “production, festival, generation, synthesis, dig, association” Six characters. After this page was published, it attracted the attention of many readers. Some said that seeing this version of the report, “the moment came to a hallucination,” and some said that “the thought was widened and the spirit was revitalized.” We thought this page “strongly advocates a key issue in the campaign to increase production and save energy.” Problems, distinct themes, giving a great education. “ One reader of Yangzhou Motor Transport Company said: ”In order to view this page, we have forgotten the nap." These comments raised by readers have encouraged us and made us realize the road to improving our style of writing. First of all, let us recognize that the style of improving news report mainly depends on the content. In the past, we always thought that there were many industrial production departments with complicated contents and different production technologies and business requirements in various trades and industries.