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土地是农民的命根子。土地问题历来是中国革命和建设的基本总是,党中央对此一直十分重视。 55年前的西柏坡,见证了中国革命史上浓墨重彩的一笔:1947年7月至9月,中共中央工委在这里召开了全国土地会议,制定并颁布实施了中国历史上第一个彻底反封建的《中国土地法大纲》。各解放区的亿万农民迅速投身于土改运动的暴风骤雨之中,并引发了参军支前的热潮。260万翻身农民参加了人民解放军。翻身农民用小车推出了三大战役的胜利! 时值中国共产党成立81周年,党的十六大召开前夕,本刊将选发《新中国从这里走来》一书中的《千年大变革》一文,以此纪念全国土地会议召开55周年。 Land is the lifeblood of peasants. The land issue has always been the basic of China’s revolution and construction. The CPC Central Committee has always attached great importance to this issue. Xibaipo, 55 years ago, witnessed a great success in the history of the Chinese revolution: From July to September 1947, the Central Committee of the CPC convened a nationwide land conference here to formulate and promulgate the first radical anti-Chinese war in history Feudal “Chinese Land Law Outline.” Hundreds of millions of peasants in all the liberated areas are rapidly engaged in the storm of land reform and sparked a wave of advancement in the armed forces. 2.6 million peasants turned over to participate in the People’s Liberation Army. Turn the peasant car with the launch of three major battle victory! On the eve of the 16th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the journal will elect the “Great Reforms in the Great Millennium,” a book entitled “The New China Comes Here,” in commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the National Land Conference.
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本刊讯 (张宏奎)10月2日,巩义市地税局征管分局干部周怿民在伊洛河畔奋勇救起一名跳河轻生妇女,受到群众好评。 The Journal (Zhang Hongkui) October 2, Gongyi City Local T
酒桌上的规矩、礼仪无一不是中国传统礼仪文化、思维方式影响下的产物。透过诸多礼仪的表面,可以窥探到中华民族人文世界的方方面面。 The rules on the wine table, etique
“领先的不是技术。领先的是文化。”──曹国兴 “Leading is not technology. Leading is culture.” - Cao Guoxing