争创全国“百佳医院” 开创医院工作新局面

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自1996年11月卫生部在沈阳召开“以病人为中心,深化医院改革”经验交流会以来,我院全体人员真抓实干,采取新举措,走质量效益型内涵建设之路,深入开展“满意工程”活动,建立下岗培训制度,实实在在地解决了广大病人关心的热点问题,千方百计地方便病人就医,开创了医院工作的新局面。 1 转变观念,树立以病人为中心的思想 院领导先后3次召开全院大会,下发《关于开展“满意工程”和建立“下岗培训制度”的决定》,动员全院人员党、 Since the Ministry of Health held an experience exchange conference on “patients as the center and deepening hospital reform” in Shenyang in November 1996, all the staff of our hospital have been doing practical work, adopting new measures, taking the road of constructing the quality and efficiency connotation, and carrying out in-depth “satisfaction”. The project “Activities” established an in-service training system and solved the hot issues that the majority of patients care about. Every effort was made to facilitate the patient’s medical treatment and created a new situation in hospital work. 1 Changing concepts, setting up patient-centered ideological institute leaders to convene the conference of the whole hospital three times, and issuing the “Decision on Launching the “Satisfaction Project” and Establishing the “Laid-Off Training System”” to mobilize the whole party personnel,
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目的 研究人源性细胞在电磁脉冲 (EMP)及电离辐射作用后的生物效应 .方法 用电磁脉冲发生器和6 0 Co-γ线分别照射人肠上皮细胞 ,以四唑盐 (MTT)比色法检测受照细胞的存活
1 5年工作概况 新罗区辖15个乡镇、4个街道办事处,有农业人口215万人。1994年在岩山乡开展保大不保小的合作医疗工作试点。1995、1996、1997、1998年全区累计筹集资金571万元,住院病人报销5070人次,累计报销金额
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