Luminescent properties and application of Eu~(3+)-activated Gd_2(MoO_4)_3 red-emitting phosphor with

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:klammj
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Eu3+-activated Gd2(MoO4)3 pseudo-pompon-like red-emitting phosphors were prepared by solid-state method. The structure, morphology, and luminescent properties of these powder samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and fluorescent spectrophotometry, respectively. The as-obtained phosphors were single crystalline phase with orthorhombic unit cell. The particles of the powder samples had the length of 5-12 m and width of 3-7 m with flake shape and large surface area, which is suitable for manufacture of white LEDs. The phosphor could be efficiently excited by the incident light of 348-425 nm, well matched with the output wavelength of near-UV (In,Ga)N chip, and re-emitted an intense red light peaking at 615 nm. By combing this phosphor with a ~395 nm-emitting (In,Ga)N chip, a red LED was fabricated, so that the applicability of this novel phosphor to white LEDs was confirmed. It is considered to be an efficient red-emitting conversion phosphor for solid-state lighting based on (In,Ga)N LEDs. Eu3 + -activated Gd2 (MoO4) 3 pseudo-pompon-like red-emitting phosphors were prepared by solid-state method. The structure, morphology, and luminescent properties of these powder samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction microscopy (SEM), and fluorescent spectrophotometry, respectively. The as-obtained phosphors were single crystalline phase with orthorhombic unit cell. The particles of the powder samples had the length of 5-12 m and width of 3-7 m with flake shape and Large surface area, which is suitable for manufacture of white LEDs. The phosphor could be excited excited by the incident light of 348-425 nm, well matched with the output wavelength of near-UV (In, Ga) N chip, and re- emitted an intense red light peaking at 615 nm. By combing this phosphor with a ~ 395 nm-emitting (In, Ga) N chip, a red LED was fabricated, so that the applicability of this phosphor to white LEDs was confirmed. It is considered to be an efficient red-emitting conversion pho sphor for solid-state lighting based on (In, Ga) N LEDs.
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