Using iPad in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

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  【Abstract】The essay will mainly focus on how to use iPad in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. To be specific, the body part will be developed into several aspects, namely online dictionary, E-book, games and some other software. All of them are useful in learning Chinese and supplement each other. By rethinking and addressing the areas, the author has mastered some basic means in using iPad in TCFL better.
  【Key words】iPad; online dictionary; E-book; games; Chinese Pad; Writers; Pinyin Trainer
  1. Introduction
  It is well known that the traditional teaching method is teacher-based and the materials used in class include textbooks, reference books and a chalk. This teaching method limits students’ creativity and enthusiasm. What is more, teachers can not fully express their knowledge. As the technology is developing rapidly, many high-tech products are widely used in people’s daily life, such as mobiles, computers and so on. These years, technology and teaching method are closely related. Multimedia teaching method uses PPTs, videos, pictures during class, which enriches contents of courses and makes the classroom vivid.
  Since January, 2010, iPad has appeared in people’s life. Within several years, it becomes more and more universal. Using iPad in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language is becoming increasingly popular. The essay is focusing on some basic applications used in TCFL, namely online dictionary, e-book, games and some tangible software for foreigners to learn Chinese better.
  2. Applications
  As iPad has many applications, this part will cover some useful and commonly used ones in TCFL.
  2.1 Online Dictionary
  There are many types of online dictionaries, for example, DictCN, ICIBA, Baidu Dictionary, Youdao Dictionary and so on. One of the most commonly used one is Youdao Dictionary which plays an important part in studying Chinese.
  When meeting some new characters and words, if necessary, students can put it in the frame and press “enter”, and then the translation and some examples will appear. Students can choose different languages translation according to their needs, such as Japanese-Chinese, English-Chinese, and German-Chinese etc. According to the latest statistics, Chinese is a language with more than 90 thousand characters, so remembering more is effective in learning Chinese.
  As students may always meet some unknown Chinese characters which frequently appear in the text, therefore, they can put those characters in the “vocabulary notebook”. It is not only convenient for them to review, but also helpful to memorize the characters.   In addition, “translation” is a tool which can translate a whole sentence or paragraph. Though sometimes it is not entirely accurate, it can guide the learners to some extent.
  Last but not least, one of the remarkable features of Youdao Dictionary is “Everyday a Sentence”. There is an old saying that learning a language is an accumulative process. So students had better learn a Chinese sentence per day and enhance their Chinese standard gradually.
  2.2 E-book
  E-book is a useful application in TCFL. However, it is maybe more effective for high-lever Chinese language learners.
  E-book is very convenient, for example, when sitting on the bus, on the railway or sleeping on the bed, students can read Chinese ancient poems. When meeting some new Chinese characters, Youdao Dictionary can play its role immediately. If students still cannot fully understand the meaning, they can at least feel Chinese classical culture. Students can also do some reading about Chinese novels if they are interested in that field. In the author’s point of view, it is appropriate for foreign students to choose four classic novels of Chinese literature, namely Journey to the West, Romance of The Three Kingdoms, A Dream of Red Mansion and Heroes of the Marshes. These books can help foreign students know more about Chinese culture.
  Nowadays, many scholars are devoted to studying them. Culture has a significant feature that if one wants to learn a language successfully, he must understand the culture of the target language group. So it requires students learn more Chinese culture when acquiring Chinese.
  2.3 Games
  If games are applied to TCFL successfully, the leaning process must be more attractive. As students are inclined to addict to games, teachers need to select effective games for them.
  There is one game used in learning Chinese characters which named “Lian Lian Kan”. In this game, Pinyin and Chinese characters are mixed irregularly. When the player taps “begin”, he needs to click a Chinese character and its corresponding Pinyin. If they are a pair, such as “吃” and “chī”, both of them will vanish. As time is limited, it requires not only the accuracy, but also the speed. This game has many stages, the higher the stage is, the harder to pass. Therefore, students need to improve their Chinese gradually in order to pass the stages.
  The author has a creative assumption about designing a new game. The game can be set on a specific dynasty, such as Tang Dynasty. The player acts a role in the game and he can go anywhere he wants to. For example, if the player wants to buy something to eat, he may walk into a restaurant; if he needs some new clothes, he can go to shopping malls. It is obvious that the player need to communicate with others, and all the conversations are carried on in Chinese. This means he must use Chinese to order dishes, bargain and so on. Though this game is just an imagination and in-existent, it must access to the market of Chinese learning someday in the future.   2.4 Some Software in TCFL
  The following part will aim to some specialized software respectively.
  2.4.1 Chinese pad
  It is used for elementary Chinese language learners. When entering this application, there appear some simple Chinese characters, such as “中”“上”“手”etc. Students can lay a finger on the screen and write them down. This method for memorizing characters is more vivid and interesting than just repeating many times in the exercise book.
  2.4.2 Writers
  This one is suitable for intermediate and high-lever Chinese language learners. The Chinese characters in this application are more complicated with many orders of strokes. Students need to write them in accordance with the orders strictly. The rule is as follows: One character will drop once a time. It will fall from the top of the screen and when it is dropped to the bottom, the time is run out. As time is limited, if students can not finish it within the time, one life will be lost.
  Writers can train students’ writing skills. Through practicing, students can master the orders of strokes better.
  2.4.3 Pinyin Trainer
  Pinyin Trainer is focusing on practicing students’ listening comprehension. For example, there are several choice on the screen, students may hear a sound and then select what they heard. As Chinese has initials, finals and tones which are totally new for foreign students, so only did they learn Pinyin well can they lay a solid foundation for further study.
  3. Conclusion
  To sum up, iPad can be widely used in TCFL. The advantages are summarized as follows:
  Firstly, it can stimulate students’ enthusiasm and initiative. As there is an old saying: “Interest is the best teacher.” It means iPad is attractive for students, so they are incline to use it to study instead of just listening to the teacher. The result of using iPad in TCFL is that it raises the teaching efficiency.
  Moreover, it can cultivate students’ independent studying ability. During this process, students can improve their capacity in searching for information. Surfing the Internet can also broaden students’ horizon and enrich their life.
  Thirdly, it can adapt to students in various categories. As students can practice with different materials which are suitable for themselves, it can totally mobilize their internal demand. In this case, the students with higher level can learn more. Meanwhile, the students with lower level can make progress step by step.
  In a word, iPad is an advanced tool in TCFL and it must the tendency.
  [1]馬晨.多媒体在中学教学中的应用.Retrieved fromԭ
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