机关算尽 难逃法网——南京燃气输配有限公司原董事长李鸿礼违纪违法案剖析

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利用股权变更登记一次次瞒天过海将自己打造成“千万富翁”,正当南京燃气输配有限公司原董事长李鸿礼贪婪地受贿、侵吞公司资产之际,一封封群众来信揭露了他的丑恶行径。2006年9月25日,南京市中级人民法院对李鸿礼作出一审判决:犯受贿罪,判处有期徒刑13年,并处没收财产人民币30万元;犯公司人员受贿罪,判处有期徒刑12年,并处没收财产人民币60万元;犯职务侵占罪,判处有期徒刑7年,并处没收财产人民币20万元;决定执行有期徒刑17年,并处没收个人财产人民币110万元;犯罪所得赃款人民币830万元予以追缴。接到判决后,这位昔日风光无限的燃气输配业“大鳄”涕泪纵横,后悔莫及。 Registering with the change of shareholding once and for all to make itself into a “multi-millionaire”, just as Li Hongli, former chairman of Nanjing Gas Transmission and Distribution Co., greedily took bribes and embezzled the assets of the company, a letter from the masses was disclosed exposing his ugly behavior. On September 25, 2006, Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court made a first instance verdict against Li Hongli: guilty of taking bribes, sentenced him to 13 years imprisonment and confiscated 300,000 yuan worth of property; committed guilty of taking bribes by company personnel and sentenced him to 12 years’ imprisonment Property confiscation of 600,000 yuan; guilty of job embezzlement, sentenced to imprisonment for 7 years and confiscation of property 200,000 yuan; decided to execute 17 years imprisonment, and confiscation of personal property of 1.1 million yuan; proceeds of crime stolen money 830 Million to be recovered. After receiving the verdict, the gas station in the past, unlimited gas transmission and distribution industry, “predators” tears vertical and horizontal, regrettable.
本文通过SPSS在统计学中的实践应用总结,阐述经济管理类统计学教学中存在的问题,以及SPSS与传统教学方法相结合可行性和实际运用效果。 This paper summarizes the practica
Torque teno virus(TTV) has been found to be prevalent world-wide in healthy populations and in patients with various diseases, but its etiological role has not
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例1(2002年全国联赛试题)设二次函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c(a,b,c∈R,a≠0)满足以下条件:(1)x∈R时,f(x-4)=f(2-x),且f(x)≥x; Example 1 (2002 national league questions) Let the
【摘要】中学阶段地理学习并不受重视,中考地理分值偏低,还存有应试教育的弊病。学生自然缺乏动力,学习兴趣不浓,对地理课程缺乏积极的求知态度。如何提高教学的有效性,让学生把课堂学习变得有效果、讲效率和出效益,成了很多教师头疼的问题。向课堂要效率,提高教学的有效性也成为迫在眉睫的大问题。学生智力的发展,能力的提高,直接受学生学习兴趣的制约。  【关键词】培养 学习地理 兴趣  【中图分类号】G633.5
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