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近年来,随着温室、大棚等保护地蔬菜面积的扩大,白粉虱的越冬场所也随之增多,种群数量越来越大,危害也越来越重。受害叶片褪绿变黄、萎蔫,甚至死亡,其分泌的粘液又严重污染叶片和果实,使蔬菜、花卉失去商品价值。为了有效地控制温室白粉虱的发生,现将其无公害防治措施介绍如下。一、农业防治 (一)培育无虫苗把育苗房和生产温室分开。育苗前、定植前彻底清除杂草、残株,彻底熏杀残余的白粉虱。在通风口使用尼龙纱网,严格控制外来虫源。 (二)合理安排茬口在第一茬可种植白粉虱不喜食的作物如芹菜、蒜黄等耐低温蔬菜,以减少保护地内白粉虱的虫口数量。同时,在同一保护地内,应避免蔬菜种类间(如黄瓜、番茄、菜豆等)、蔬菜与花卉间的混 In recent years, with the expansion of greenhouses, greenhouses and other protected areas of vegetables, the overwintering sites of whiteflies also increase. The population is getting bigger and bigger, and the harms are getting heavier and heavier. Affected leaves chlorotic yellow, wilting, or even death, the secretion of mucus and serious pollution of leaves and fruits, so that vegetables, flowers lost their value. In order to effectively control the occurrence of greenhouse whitefly, now its pollution prevention and control measures are described below. First, the prevention and treatment of agriculture (a) nurture insects and nurseries to nurture the greenhouse and separate production. Pre-nursery before planting completely remove weeds, stubbs, thoroughly smoked residual whitefly. Nylon gauze used in the vents, strict control of foreign insect sources. (B) a reasonable arrangement Crop stubble in the first crop can be planted whitefly do not like crops such as celery, garlic and other low-temperature vegetables, in order to reduce the population of whitefly insect population. At the same time, in the same protected area, should avoid the type of vegetables (such as cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, etc.), vegetables and flowers mixed
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这款赋泽公司所推出的MagicTNT2,是采用Riva TNT2显示芯片,内置300Mz RAMDAC,并配备32MB SDRAM,在刷新75Hz下,最高可显示到1920×1200全彩分辨率。同时,在芯片前端也附有一