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1990年代的韩国成长小说,与曾以战争为背景进行幼年主人公成长过程叙述的2战时期成长小说不同,展现出与之不同的新面貌。首先90年代成长小说从之前过度重视家族中心主义的思想中脱离,将重点置于以个性为主题的个人成长过程。其次,主人公的成长过程从社会给予宽纳、接受的普遍性中脱离,展现出追求多样化的新形象。在作品中,主人公以自己独特的方式克服成长过程中所遇到的种种障碍,不断地完善作为独立人类的整体性。韩国90年代的成长小说之所以带有如上所说的特性,从根本上来说离不开对个人价值的认可、所处追求多样化社会氛围等因素。在本篇文章中,将结合韩国90年代成长小说特征,对韩国申京淑女性成长小说《???》进行分析,旨在分析研究本小说作品中促使主人公成长的因素。 The novel of Korean growth in the 1990s shows a new look different from that of the novels of World War II that were described in the process of the growth of young protagonists in the context of war. First, the fictional novel of the 1990s detached from the prior emphasis on family-centrism and focused on the personal growth process with the theme of personality. Second, the process of the protagonist’s growth is detached from the universality given by the society and accepted, showing a new image of pursuing diversification. In his works, the hero overcomes the obstacles encountered in the process of growth in his own unique way and constantly improves the integrity as an independent human being. The reason why the Korean novels of the 1990s grew up with the characteristics mentioned above is fundamentally inseparable from the recognition of personal values ​​and the pursuit of diversified social atmosphere. In this article, we will combine the characteristics of South Korea’s growing novels in the 1990s to analyze the “???” female novel of Shin Jung-woo, aiming to analyze the factors that promote the growth of the protagonist in this novel.
穿着一套保守的日常西装,中国国家主席江泽民在9月底对上海的财富环球论坛的行政总裁们发表了一篇演说。在关于台湾和人权问题的宣传语言当中,他允诺“为来华投资的外国企业创造更好的环境”。4天之后,江发表了另一篇讲话。此时,背景不同(在天安门城楼),听众不同(聚集在一起庆祝人民共和国50周年的士兵和群众),江也不同:着毛装的中国主席在视觉上的象征意义是谁都不会忘却的。  所以,真正的江泽民是谁呢?——穿着
成思危(全国人大副委员长): 风险投资具有五大特点:1、它是一种有风险的投资。由于风险投资主要是支持创新的技术与产品,技术、经济及市场等方面的风险都相当大,其成功率平均只有30%左
The hydraulic fracture in rock salt is a complicated solid fluid and mass transfer coupling process. Through theoretical analysis, a solid fluid and mass transf