鲁迅先生的短篇小说《药》,堪为内容与形式完整、和谐、统一的艺术珍品,其结构的艺术,一直为人们所津津乐道。 短篇小说《药》,虽篇幅短小,内涵却极丰厚。全文以“药”为中心线索贯穿始终,采用明暗双线结构,交织穿插,相互映衬,作者牢牢把握主旨,大处着眼,小处落墨,虚实结合,疏密相间,详则用墨如泼,略则惜墨如金,匠心独运,巧夺天工,给人以美不胜收的艺术享受。 本文拟从以下两个方面,对短篇小说《药》的结构技巧试作浅析,就教于方家。
Mr. Lu Xun’s short story, “Medicine,” is a complete, harmonious and unified art treasury whose content and form are complete. The art of its structure has always been remembered by people. Short story “medicine”, although the length is short, the connotation is very rich. The full text of “medicine” as the center of the clues throughout, using light and dark double structure, interwoven, mutual background, the author firmly grasp the main point of attention, small office ink, combination of actual situation, , Slightly Zhimo ink such as gold, originality, ingenuity, to give people a beautiful art to enjoy. This article intends to analyze the structural skills of the short story “medicine” from the following two aspects to teach Yu Fang.