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The thesis deals with the developrnent of national capitalist i11dustry and commerce in the riorth-east from 1912 to l931. National capitalist industry was centralized iri such liries of busiriess as flour and oil manufacturing and metal. while the lines of business,which played a significant role in the commerce were gerieral merchandize,grairi,oil and groceries trading. The features of the development of national capitalist industry and commerce were characterized by the five elements: great dependence upon the capitalist market; holding both indusrty and commerce with grain trading as the soul;preliminary formatiori of reginal commercial rietwork with Harbin as the centre, flourishing monopolization in mining, large proportion of investment by chinese overseas in Russia and immigrants from south of the Great wall. The capital deal industry was centralized iri such liries of busiriess as flour and oil manufacturing and metal. While the lines of business, which played a significant role features the development of national capitalist industry and commerce were valuable by the five elements: great dependence upon the capitalist market; holding both indusrty and commerce with grain trading as the soul; preliminary formatiori of reginal commercial rietwork with Harbin as the center, flourishing monopolization in mining, large proportion of investment by chinese overseas in Russia and immigrants from south of the Great wall.
果树行间间作是幼年果园土壤管理的重要措施之一,也是正确贯彻“以短补长,以园养园,增加收益”的建园方针的具体表现。 新果园建立后,一般4—5年后才开始结果。在未有果品收
<正>红岩溪高瓦斯隧道为分离式隧道,左洞长1 699m,右洞长1 680m,是龙永高速12标关键控制性工程之一。右洞进口端为砂岩地质,自承能力差,施工难度大,加之开掘过程中地质环境不
SDH复用结构的发展 SDH即同步数字系列,是80年代末期投入商用的一种先进的数字复用体系。 复用结构,这是SDH技术标准的最基本的内容之一。它表述SDH的信息流是怎样被复用起
《查馍史》是关于查谟、牡达克、基希德瓦尔、波里格(普日)、赞斯格尔、巴尔蒂斯坦及吉尔吉特地区历史的一部重要著作。著者毛尔维·赫希默杜扭·汗·勒克纳维(Maulwi HashrnaEiJllah Khan lLakhnavi),勒克瑙人,生卒年不详。自1894年起,他先后在吉尔吉特和奇特拉尔为英国殖民者的政治代表处服务。1898年至1928年,又任查馍一克什米尔土邦官员。他通晓乌尔都语、波斯语、印地语、英语及多种地方语言。在30多年里,他走遍7杜达克、巴尔蒂斯坦、吉尔吉特等地的各个角落,广泛考察,搜集1大量