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  If there is one role Jack Black seems perfectly suited for, it is that of Jonathan Swift’s注 beloved Lemuel Gulliver from Gulliver’s Travels.
  The classic tale has been retold by plenty of television shows and films. But this version stars Black, Amanda Peet, Emily Blunt and Jason Segel—and, according to Peet, it showcases a few song and dance moments by Black.
  When MTV News caught up with Black, we learnt that the movie is going to be “good times.”
  MTV: What can I expect from Gulliver’s Travels?
  Jack Black: It’s a powerful gem[难能可贵的人或物].
  It’s the old classic tale faithfully retold! We’ve
  updated it; we’ve modernized with a pinch[一撮] of spice[趣味] as well.
  MTV: I feel that you are the “King Kong” in this movie.
  Black: Exactly! Now I get to be the beast. But I’m a sweet beast; I don’t rip the heads off innocent bystanders[旁观者]. We might actually add that to the title…Gulliver’s Travels: The Sweet Beast.
  MTV: So did you read the original Jonathan Swift book, or no?
  Black: Of course! Are you kidding me? Actually, I hadn’t, when I was first offered the project. But I quickly read it and was blown away[强烈影响,震惊] by it. One of the great masterworks of fantasy and fiction.
  MTV: What do I need to know about your character in this movie?
  Black: Gulliver works at a newspaper in New York City, in the mailing room. He’s a small potato[小人物] and he’s very insecure. And he’s a small man in a big man’s world. He’s got big dreams of becoming a big travel writer someday but he’s too insecure to make the move. And he’s also in love with the travel editor,
  the gorgeous Amanda Peet. He’s too terrified of
  rejection[拒绝] to make the move. And an opportunity comes up to do a story on the Bermuda Triangle, to prove that it’s bogus[假的], that there are no supernatural forces in the Bermuda Triangle that take people away to a different dimension[空间,次元]. You know the legend to the Bermuda Triangle, right?
  MTV: Of course. Everyone knows you don’t mess
  with[瞎弄] the Bermuda Triangle.
  Black: Well, yeah. Gulliver goes headlong into it just to impress everybody back at the newspaper and hopefully get a date with that gorgeous love of his life. Only problem is? The Bermuda Triangle is real, man! And it sucks him in and spits[吐,喷] him out in Lilliput, a land of tiny, tiny little creatures and people. And it’s a bummer[不愉快的经历] at first when he gets there because they enslave him. And it turns out that he rescues the whole country from their enemies. He’s a giant so he can save them. And all of a sudden he’s the big shot[大人物] that he always wanted to be. It’s a wish
  fulfillment movie. I guess what I’m saying is, it’s good
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