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粤价〔2010〕1号各地级以上市物价局、住房和城乡建设(房管)局:为加强我省物业服务收费管理,规范物业服务收费行为,我们制定了《广东省物价局、广东省住房和城乡建设厅关于物业服务收费管理办法》,现印发给你们,提出如下意见,请一并贯彻执行。一、各级价格、住房和城乡建设(房管)主管部门要认真贯彻实施我省物业服务收费管理办法,组织各物业服 Guangdong Price 〔2010〕 1 Local Price Bureau above the level of cities and towns, housing and urban and rural construction (Housing) Bureau: In order to strengthen the management of our province property service fees, regulate property service charges, we have formulated the “Guangdong Provincial Price Bureau, Guangdong Province housing And the Urban and Rural Construction Department on property management fees, ”are hereby issued to you, put forward the following comments, please implement them together. First, all levels of prices, housing and urban and rural construction (housing management) departments should conscientiously implement the province's property management fees, organize the property service
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