Refinement and fracture mechanisms of as-cast QT700-6 alloy by alloying method

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sollovewj
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The as-cast QT700-6 alloy was synthesized with addition of a certain amount of copper, nickel, niobium and stannum elements by alloying method in a medium frequency induction furnace, aiming at improving its strength and toughness. Microstructures of the as-cast QT700-6 alloy were observed using a scanningelectron microscope(SEM) and the mechanical properties were investigated using a universal tensile test machine. Results indicate that the ratio of pearlite/ferrite is about 9:1 and the graphite size is less than 40 μm in diameter in the as-cast QT700-6 alloy. The predominant refinement mechanism is attributed to the formation of niobium carbides, which increases the heterogeneous nucleus and hinders the growth of graphite. Meanwhile, niobium carbides also exist around the grain boundaries, which improve the strength of the ductile iron. The tensile strength and elongation of the as-cast QT700-6 alloy reach over 700 MPa and 6%, respectively, when the addition amount of niobium is 0.8%. The addition of copper and nickel elements contributed to the decrease of eutectoid transformation temperature, resulting in the decrease of pearlite lamellar spacing(about 248 nm), which is also beneficial to enhancing the tensile strength. The main fracture mechanism is cleavage fracture with the appearance of a small amount of dimples. The as-cast QT700-6 alloy was synthesized with addition of a certain amount of copper, nickel, niobium and stannum elements by alloying method in a medium frequency induction furnace, aiming at improving its strength and toughness. Microstructures of the as-cast QT700 Results indicate a ratio of pearlite / ferrite is about 9: 1 and the graphite size is less than 40 μm in diameter in the as-cast QT700-6 alloy. The predominant refinement mechanism is attributed to the formation of niobium carbides, which increases the heterogeneous nucleus and hinders the growth of graphite. Meanwhile, niobium carbides also exist around the grain boundaries, which improve the strength of the ductile iron. The tensile strength and elongation of the as-cast QT700-6 alloy reach over 700 MPa and 6%, respectively, when the addition amount of niobium is 0.8 %. The addition of copper and nickel elements contributed to the decrease of eutectoid transformation temperature, resulting in the decrease of pearlite lamellar spacing (about 248 nm), which is also beneficial to enhance the tensile strength. The main fracture mechanism is cleavage fracture with the appearance of a small amount of dimples.
摘 要本文从转变教育观念,整合管理学教学内容使之系统化,改善教学方式和优化教学手段等方面,对改革管理学教学、提高教学质量,做了一些有益的尝试研究。  关键词 管理学 教学质量 学习情境 小组合作学习    比较就是确定事物同异关系的思维过程和方法。它的实用范围极为广泛,在文学、法学、政治、经济等领域中早就普遍广泛地运用了。有比较才能有鉴别,有鉴别才能有发现有创造。笔者以为在我们中学语文教学中,不妨
摘 要随着硕士研究生就业形势的日益严峻,硕士研究生就业问题受到了社会各界的普遍关注。本文分析了当前我国硕士研究生就业现状,从宏观和微观两个角度出发,讨论了形成研究生就业现状的原因,并就如何有效缓解研究生的就业压力问题提出了合理的对策。  关键词 硕士研究生 就业 对策    随着我国高教事业的发展,研究生教育进入一个跨越式发展的阶段,研究生就业也成为国家、社会、培养单位及研究生个人关心的共同课题。
It is known that phosphorus can refine the primary silicon and heat treatment can spheroidize the eutectic silicon. This paper presents an optimal combination o
摘 要新课标指出,我们要让学生经历观察、实验、猜想、证明等数学活动,发展合情推理能力和初步的演绎推理能力。学习数学知识的过程就是一个不断地运用已有的数学概念进行比较、分析、综合、概括、判断、推理的思维过程。  关键词 小学数学 概念 不可忽视    离开了概念,就无法对客观事物进行有根有据的思考,有条有理的分析、综合、判断、推理,也就谈不上推理能力的培养了。只有加强概念教学,才能使学生在获取数学知
胡锦涛总书记指出,要不断探索干部教育培训工作的新方法新途径,不断增强教育培训工作的针对性和实效性。通过学习先进省份党校开展模块教学的经验,我认为,在党校系统开展模块教学,可以在以下几个方面促进党校整体教学工作的提升。  一、开展模块教学,有利于提高老师和学员之之间的互动能力  在模块教学中,全方位综合性地运用案例式教学、情景式教学、研讨式教学等方式,可以丰富教学手段和教学方法。特别是在课堂专题讲授
摘 要课堂艺术在很大程度上影响着师生在教学活动中的兴趣、积极性、学习效率及关系。课堂气氛活跃、协调融洽时,师生教学中注意力稳定而集中,积极愉快,学生善于开动脑筋,迸发出创造性,老师语言生动有趣,逻辑性强,学生学习效率高。反之,课堂教学气氛拘谨刻板,冷淡紧张,学生易搞小动作,注意力分散;没有自主探究的积极性。如何提高课堂教学艺术,给学生创造一个良好课堂气氛,笔者作出如下思考。  关键词 语文课堂 教