Stamen specification and anther development in rice

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Male reproductive development is a complex biological process which includes the formation of the stamen with differentiated anther tissues, in which microspores/pollens are generated, then anther dehiscence and subsequently pollination. Stamen specification and anther development involve a number of extraordinary events such as meristem transition, cell division and differentiation, cell to cell communication, etc., which need the cooperative interaction of sporophytic and gametophytic genes. The advent of various tools for rice functional gene identification, such as complete genome sequence, genome-wide microarrays, collections of mutants, has greatly facilitated our understanding of mechanisms of rice stamen specification and anther development. Male sterile lines are critical for hybrid rice breeding, therefore understanding these processes will not only contribute greatly to the basic knowledge of crop developmental biology, but also to the development of new varieties for hybrid rice breeding in the future. Male reproductive development is a complex biological process which includes the formation of the stamen with differentiated anther tissues, in which microspores / pollens are generated, then anther dehiscence and subsequently pollination. Stamen specification and anther development involve a number of extraordinary events such as meristem transition , cell division and differentiation, cell to cell communication, etc., which need the cooperative interaction of sporophytic and gametophytic genes. The advent of various tools for rice functional gene identification, such as complete genome sequence, genome-wide microarrays, collections of mutants , has greatly facilitated our understanding of mechanisms of rice stamen specification and anther development. Male sterile lines are critical for hybrid rice breeding, therefore understanding these processes will not only contribute greatly to the basic knowledge of crop developmental biology, but also to the development of new varieties for hybrid rice breeding in the future.
【摘要】新课程理念给传统的高中政治教学注入了新的活力,特别是新课程为教材每个单元新编了一节综合探究课,培养学生终身学习的能力和习惯。但是由于一些教师认识不到位,加上学生自主意识不强、可是负担重等因素的影响和干扰,探究课活动没有真正得到落实。本文旨在通过对高中政治综合探究课的实施进行反思并积极寻找应对方法,帮助教师更好的开展综合探究课,提高探究成效。  【关键词】思想政治 综合探究 教学策略  【中
【摘要】新课改重要目标之一,就是要改变课堂实施过于强调接受性学习,死记硬背,机械训练的现状,提倡学生主动参与、乐于探索、勤于动手,培养学生搜集与处理信息的能力、分析与解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力,因此在政治课堂中构建以学生为主体的高效课堂模式是非常必要的。  【关键词】自主复习 教学 训练 课堂反馈  【中图分类号】G633.2 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】20
【摘要】为了培养大学生的人文素养,提高其创新能力,必须坚持高校思政课的改革工作。本文笔者从网络教学和创新平台建设入手,对高校思政可改革工作的认识进行了阐述。  【关键词】高校思政课 网络 创新 改革  【中图分类号】G633.2 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)11-0078-02  大学生是未来社会主义现代化建设的接班人,是社会进步发展,国家