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葛洲坝水力发电厂有着“两个文明一起抓”的好传统。近两年来,尤其是从去年六月一日划归中国三峡总公司以来,他们在企业精神文明建设中善于创新,狠抓落实,推出一系列新的举措。一、1994年党委设立全厂精神文明建设奖励基金20万元,用于奖励在精神文明建设中作出成绩的单位和个人(正式工、临时工均可)。当年厂党委又决定厂纪委收缴的贪污款及党员、干部自身廉洁自律的上交款共12万元,转入其中。基金分设六个奖项,即:见义勇为奖、勇于举报奖、化解矛盾奖、后备干部培养奖、企业文化优秀 Gezhouba Hydropower Plant has a good tradition of “grasping together with two civilizations.” In the past two years, especially since they were placed in the China Three Gorges Corporation on June 1st last year, they have been innovative in the building of corporate spiritual civilization, and they have implemented a series of new measures. I. In 1994, the party committee set up a 200,000-yuan spiritual civilization construction incentive fund to reward units and individuals who made achievements in the building of spiritual civilization (both regular and temporary workers). At that time, the factory party committee also decided that the corruption fund collected by the plant discipline inspection committee and the self-discipline of the Party members and cadres themselves should be paid a total of 120,000 yuan and transferred into it. The fund is divided into six awards, namely: The Award for Being Valuable, the Award for Reporting, the Resolution of Contradiction, the Training Award for Reserved Cadre, and the Outstanding Corporate Culture
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