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为明确办理下岗失业人员自主创业专项贷款具体操作办法,宁波市出台下岗失业人员办理自主创业专项贷款具体操作办法的通知(甬政办发[2003]12号)。对国有、城镇集体企业下岗失业人员;国有、城镇集体企业关闭破产需要安置的人员;持有《城市居民最低生活保障金领取证》的城镇其他失业人员发放专项贷款。发放专项贷款是生产性贷款,专项用于借款人从事生产、经营、劳务等自主创业活动。借款人持区就业管理服务机构认定的相关材料和《自主创业专项贷款申请资格认定表》向指定的贷款银行提出专项贷款申请,同时按银行要求办理相关授信、抵押、担保等手续。借款人贷款期满,按期还款并符合规定条件的,借款人可直接向贷款银行的贷款贴息申请。中央财政对经办微利项目专项贷款业务的商业银行,按同期商业贷款利率,据实全额贴息,展期不贴息。本市国有独资商业银行的专项贷款贴息,由国有独资商业银行总行向财政部申请办理结算事宜。其他商业银行的小额担保专项贷款贴息,由市财政 In order to clarify the specific operational measures for handling special loans for laid-off and unemployed people who start their own businesses, Ningbo Municipality has promulgated the specific operational measures for handling laid-off and unemployed people for special loans (Yongzhengbanfa [2003] No.12). State-owned and urban collective enterprises laid-off workers; state-owned, urban collective enterprises need to be resettled to close down bankruptcies; holders of “urban residents living allowance to receive evidence” other urban unemployed people issued special loans. The issuance of special loans is a productive loan, earmarked for borrowers engaged in production, management, labor and other independent business activities. The borrower holds the relevant documents from the district employment management service organization and the application form of “Self-employed Special Loan Application Eligibility Form” to apply for a special loan application to the designated loan bank and handle the relevant credit granting, mortgage and guarantee procedures as required by the bank. If the borrower’s loan expires, repay on schedule and meets the prescribed conditions, the borrower may apply for a loan discount directly to the lender. Commercial banks that specialize in the operation of the micro-profit projects of the Central Government shall, according to the commercial loan interest rates of the same period, pay in full interest at discount rates for non-discounted interest rates. The city’s wholly state-owned commercial bank loans discount interest from the wholly state-owned commercial bank headquarters to the Ministry of Finance to apply for settlement. Interest subsidies for special loans granted by other commercial banks for micro-guarantees shall be financed by the municipal finance department
2008年的汶川地震、2009年的全球经济危机以及众多自然界、全球化进程中的种种危机与无奈,让人们再次陷入了对未来的迷茫与忧虑。视觉开关VISION SWITCH,于年末力遨七位(组)
各市、县(市、区)人民政府,省政府直属各单位: 省劳动和社会保障厅《关于完善职工基本养老保险“低门槛准入、低标准享受”办法的意见》已经省政府同意,现印发给你们,请结合
免责声明Important NoticeThe purpose of this presentation is to provide general information about Fortescue Metals Group Limited ("Fortescue").It is not recommen
survivin是凋亡抑制蛋白家族的最新成员,1997年由耶鲁大学的Altieri等利用效应细胞蛋白酶受体-1 cDNA在人类基因组库中筛选并且分离出来。随着对survivin的深入研究,发现它与
各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 为进一步搞活我省住房二级市场,解决制约住房二级市场发展的突出问题,深化住房制度改