Effect of Boron Fertilizer on Flower and Fruit Drop ofPrunes

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doujiazhi
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Effect of boron on falling of prunes (Prunus mume, Sieb, et Zucc) was studied by applying 50 g borateper tree into soil on December 15, 1993 (soil-B) and spraying leaves leves evenly twice with 1.5 g kg~-1 boratesolution on March 1 and 8, 1994 (spray-B) on the soil with 0.28 mg kg--1’ rapidly available B. Comparedwith no borate treatment (CK), B concentrations of leaves, short branches and flowers were higher and thepercentage of flower and fruit drop was lower in the treatments of soil-B and spray-B. B fertilizer increased Bconcentrations in flowers, leaves and short branches, promoted pollen germination, reduced the percentage offall of flowers and fruits of prunes, increased the percentage of fertile fruits, and thus increased yields of prunesby 46% and 34.3% in the treatments of soil-B and spray-B, respectively. It could be inferred preliminarilythat if B concentration of leaves was lower than 35 mg kg--1, the prunes should be fertilized with B. Themeasured leaves should be picked from branches (3-10 cm in length) germinating from the central sectionof a tree crown during the last ten days of May to the early days of June. Effect of boron on falling of prunes (Prunus mume, Sieb, et Zucc) was studied by applying 50 g borateper tree into soil on December 15, 1993 (soil-B) and spraying leaves leves even twice with 1.5 g kg -1 boratesolution on March 1 and 8, 1994 (spray-B) on the soil with 0.28 mg kg -1 ’rapidly available B. Compared with no borate treatment (CK), B concentrations of leaves, short branches and flowers were higher and the percentage of of flower and fruit drop was lower in the treatments of soil-B and spray-B. B fertilizer increased Bconcentrations in flowers, leaves and short branches, promoted pollen germination, reduced the percentage offall of flowers and fruits of prunes, increased the percentage of fertile fruits , and therefore increased yields of prunesby 46% and 34.3% in the treatments of soil-B and spray-B, respectively. It could be inferred preliminarilythat if B concentration of leaves was lower than 35 mg kg -1, the prunes should be fertilized with B. Themeasured leaves should be picked from branches (3-10 cm in length) germinating from the central section of a tree crown during the last ten days of May to the early days of June.
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