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全国经贸工作会议确定今年要全面深化国有企业改革国家经贸委主任王忠禹在全国经贸工作会议上提出,今年企业改革要坚持改革、改组、改造和加强企业内部管理相结合,加大力度,加快速度,实行点面结合,增加试点内容,在转机建制、加强管理、搞好大的、放活小的、调整结构... The National Economic and Trade Work Conference has determined that the reform of state-owned enterprises should be fully deepened this year. Wang Zhongyu, director of the State Economic and Trade Commission, proposed at the National Economic and Trade Work Conference that this year’s enterprise reform must adhere to the reform, reorganization, transformation, and strengthening of internal management of enterprises to increase the intensity and speed up the pace. Implement a combination of points, increase the contents of the pilot, turn in the system, strengthen management, do a good job, let go of small, adjust the structure...
Aim: To assess the value of the routine chest radiography as part of the medical evaluation of newly arrived, internationally adopted children. Methods: We eval
Amperometric biosensor applied to the determination of high concentration lactate in serum and whole blood was described.The biosensor was constructed by gold e
【中图分类号】G613.6【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)08-0204-01  美术是儿童的一种语言,是儿童表达自己对周围世界的认识和情感态度的独特方式。尤其是绘画,更是幼儿表达自己对周围世界的感受和内心意愿的最主要方式之一。孩子们都愿意,甚至是喜欢在无意识的状态下用“涂鸦”的方式来表达自己的所见、所闻、所想、所感,这几乎是每一个儿童的天性。如何在《指南》的精神下组织
α-latrotoxin (α-LTX), a neurotoxin from black-widow spider, causes vesicles release in pre- synapse of nerve terminal after binding to specific membrane recep
下面是一首大家都熟悉的小童谣,可是括号里的字你都确切地知道是哪个吗?赶紧选一下吧,看谁选得又快又准。 Here’s a little nursery rhyme that we are all familiar with,