This article uses a graphical analysis to show that if large-scale privatization does not limit the divestiture of property, it will not lead to the need for the rule of law. The central idea is that individual economic behavior (creating value or depriving property) and its political position are interdependent. Massive privatization can make individuals very concerned about what they can occupy quickly rather than waiting for the establishment of a system of property rights that will allow them to create more important value. Property deprivation has made these people committed to extending the absence of the rule of law so that they can enjoy the fruits of deprivation without being bound by the government’s enforcement of property rights. When each tries to influence social choices, he is always concerned with the impact of such choices on himself rather than on others. Individuals who choose economic behavior ignore the impact of their economic decisions on how they vote themselves, how others think the system evolves, and how others invest and vote. Therefore, the two distortions of personal conduct are related to the nature of the public goods in the election. Utilitarianist positions (This position argues that if the rule of law favors a certain group, its political supporters will continue to emerge.) Misleading as this view is abstracted from the effects of the political environment of. We use this framework to derive a further perspective. Due to the interdependence between individual economic decision-making and political decision-making, the demand and suppression of the rule of law can not be separated from macroeconomic policies. An over-tightening macroeconomic policy will reduce the value-creation benefits associated with the divestiture of property and thus undermine the need for a balanced administration of the rule of law. Macroeconomic policies and institutional evolution are not mutually independent issues.