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看完《想生存发展就要把自己变得丑恶些吗?》一文,感触良多。作为一名普通的中学生,我也许不能体会到小老板在社会上打拼的艰难,但在此我想就这个问题提出个人的看法——想生存发展就要把自己变得聪明些。商海就是一个大的竞技场,在这里,考验你的不仅是毅力和胆识,更重要的是智慧。你的对手不但是同行,还有方方面面各种各样的人。不可否认社会中有阴暗的一面,当挣钱和良知发生矛盾时,我们不能昧着良心做事。但能因为怕卡着鱼刺就不吃鱼了吗?不能一时意气用事拼个鱼死网破,就可以容忍这种腐败和丑恶吗?我想对于那些腐败分子,不妨就做一回“奸商”。举个例子吧,如小老板的信中说 After reading “want to survive and development will become ugly yourself?” Article, feel a lot. As an ordinary middle school student, I may not understand the difficulties of working hard in the community. However, I would like to make my personal point of view on this issue - to become more intelligent when I want to survive and develop. Business sea is a big arena, where you test not only perseverance and courage, but more importantly, wisdom. Your opponent is not only a colleague, but also a variety of people in all aspects. It is undeniable that there is a dark side in society. When there is a conflict between making money and conscience, we can not act conscientiously. But can not eat fish because they are afraid of holding a fishbone? Can not be used sparingly to fight a fish dead net break, you can tolerate this corruption and ugly? I think for those corrupt elements, may wish to do a “profiteers.” For example, as the young boss’s letter said
人间之苦,就为了支持妹妹圆那一个遥远的大学梦……刘文林蹲过监狱,卖过血,拖着脓血不止的下肢,吃尽 1985年9月,刘文林16岁的妹妹从山旮旯一举中榜,考入资阳市重点中学。生
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