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斜纹夜蛾学名:Prodenia litura(Fabri-cius)属鳞翅目,夜蛾科,别名莲纹夜蛾、莲纹夜盗蛾。分布于全国各地,是全国各地蔬菜等作物上的重要害虫,该虫原属间歇性害虫,近几年来,由于受气候及种植业结构调整等因素的影响,已发展成常发性主要害虫,严重地区暴发成灾。从2002 ̄2005年以 Spodoptera litura Scientific name: Prodenia litura (Fabri-cius) is a Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, an alias lotus root worm, lotus sting moth. Distributed throughout the country, vegetables and other crops throughout the country is an important pest, the original worm is an intermittent pest, in recent years, due to climate and planting structure adjustment and other factors, has developed into a common major pests, Serious areas outbreak disaster. From 2002 to 2005
41年短暂人生,熔铸成一座高大的人格塑像;没有惊天动地的业绩,却留下一串辉煌的足迹; 你是中国检察官的骄傲,我们永远怀念和学习你。 41 years of short life, cast into a
Suzhou is a beautiful city situated beside the Tai HuLake in the rich Yangzi delta and is long famed for thescenic hills to its southwest and the exquisite roc
一、序 在漫长的历史岁月里,因以共同的文化为背景,所以,尽管在20世纪后半叶,各自形成了相异的经济体系,但对中韩两国经济合作并没有产生阻碍。因此,韩中两国在经济合作方面
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[Objective]To compare the limit detection methods of ginkgoic acid in the extracts from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba L. by Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2010 edition) a
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“青春啊,永远是美好的!可是真正的青春,只属于力争上游的、忘我劳动的人,永远谦虚的人。” ——雷锋 江苏省灌南县交通局秘书唐建法,在平凡的秘书岗位上,将自己15个青春岁月