面向基层 跟踪服务 指导延长土地承包期有关材料立卷归档工作

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稳定农村土地承包关系,是党的农村政策的核心内容之一。以家庭联产承包为主的责任制和统分结合的双层经营体制,是我国农村经济的一项基本制度。做好延长土地承包期工作,将直接关系到广大农民的生产积极性,关系到农村经济发展和农村社会大局的稳定。而做好延长土地承包期有关材料的立卷归档工作,则是加强对承包土地管理的重要环节,既维护国家利益,又维护农民的合法权益。肇州县档案局面向基层,跟踪服务,把延长土地承包期有关材料立卷归档工作作为一项重要工作内容突出出来,并制发了《关于做好延长土地承包期有关材 Stabilizing the rural land contractual relationship is one of the core contents of the party’s rural policy. The household-based contract responsibility system and the integration of the two-tier operating system are the basic rural economic systems in our country. To do a good job in extending the contract period of land will directly affect the enthusiasm of the vast number of peasants in production and will affect the stability of rural economic development and the overall social situation in rural areas. And to do a good job in extending the land contract period of the materials related to the archiving and filing work, it is to strengthen the contracted land management an important part of both the maintenance of national interests, but also safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers. Zhaozhou County Archives for the grass-roots level, follow-up services, to extend the land contract period of the relevant materials to be archived and archived as an important part of the work highlights and issued "on the extension of the land contract period related materials
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农村改革以来,随着农业生产活动的个体化、人口流动及市场化日渐渗入农村社会经济生活,乡村公共生活在总体上呈现衰落之势的同时,也表现出明 Since the rural reform, with