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上海东方光学有限公司是由台湾金可眼镜股份有限公司投资设立,该公司是台湾眼镜行业中的著名企业,实力雄厚,技术先进,在大陆投资近800万美元,开厂设公司,旨在立足大陆,放眼世界,加强两岸贸易往来。同时也给国内眼镜界注入新鲜血液,带来了新的生产、管理概念。 上海东方光学有限公司,位于虹桥开发区,主要经销自己生产的产品及代理世界名牌镜架、款式近四百种,其中有不少是名师设计、款款精品、高雅不凡。原料及零配件从国外进口。在生产过程中,聘请多名台湾高级技师,长驻工厂,严格把握质量,力求尽善尽美,使每件产品物有所值。目前,该公司销售网络遍布全国各地和东南亚地区,以及法国、美国、比利时、意大利等欧美国家,产品普获好评。 该公司还重视企业发展前途,不局限于眼前所取得的成 Shanghai Dongfang Optics Co., Ltd. is invested and established by Taiwan Jinke Optics Co., Ltd., which is a famous enterprise in Taiwan’s optical industry. It has strong strength and advanced technology. It invested nearly US$8 million in the mainland and set up a company to establish a company. The mainland looks to the world and strengthens cross-strait trade exchanges. At the same time, it also injected fresh blood into the domestic eyewear industry, bringing with it new concepts of production and management. Shanghai Dongfang Optics Co., Ltd. is located in Hongqiao Development Zone. It mainly distributes its own products and represents the world’s most famous brand glasses frames and styles. There are nearly 400 kinds of models. Many of them are designed by famous teachers, and they are exquisite and elegant. Raw materials and spare parts are imported from abroad. In the production process, a number of Taiwanese senior technicians are employed and stationed at the factory for a long period of time. The quality is strictly controlled, and every product is value for money. At present, the company’s sales network throughout the country and Southeast Asia, as well as France, the United States, Belgium, Italy and other European and American countries, the product was widely praised. The company also attaches importance to the future of business development and is not limited to the immediate
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