博托 施特劳斯的语言意识

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在媒体与消费时代公众语言的“衰败形式”里,博托·施特劳斯读解出贫乏、陈腐和人为的曲折。他在语言中追溯本源和超验,欲以语言诗性赋予当代话语被排斥了的历史深度。这一弃离当代话语而向始源回溯的姿态,同样展现了作家立身于理性批判传统的精英性。 In the “decaying form” of the public language in the media and consumer era, Boto Strauss read out the pauper, stale, and artificial twists and turns. He traced the origin and the transcendentalism in his language, trying to give the depth of history in which contemporary discourse is excluded by the poetic nature of language. This gesture of discarding contemporary discourse back to the origin also shows the writer’s elitism in the tradition of rational criticism.
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