The influence of painting on the design of modern landscape architecture

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  Abstract:Modern garden design, in China more and more respected, in many designers design gardens, in addition to greening the environment, but also pay great attention to the beauty of the garden, so in the garden design to add a lot of aesthetic elements, such as Western modern painting elements and Chinese traditional elements.
  一、Modern landscape design absorbs Chinese traditional painting elements
  1. Chinese Traditional painting art
  The aesthetic appeal of Chinese traditional painting has a veryfar-reaching influence on the landscape design, and the infiltration of Chinese traditional painting aesthetic interest in landscape design can not only satisfy people's walking, watching and psychological needs, but also convey the beautiful visual effect to people. Now more and more people yearn for simple life and the ease of heart, so pay attention to the aesthetic taste of landscape design, which requires landscape architects in China's traditional culture to seek innovation, the art of breakthrough.
  2.Influence of traditional painting on modern landscape design.
  The effect of color collocation.The art of painting is a kind of artistic type with great attention to color collocation, different forms of painting have different color collocation style, for example, China's ink painting art, is the use of black and white collocation, formed a very distinctive type of painting, these colors on the collocation of ideas for other art types have a very important impact. Modern landscape Design in the color collocation has been greatly affected, different from the ancient landscape design most of the pursuit of natural color collocation of ideas, modern landscape design has a richer color with the idea.
  The impact on the design theme.Designers in the landscape planning and design, will take into account these factors, in order to better improve the taste of landscape design and connotation, designers will be based on traditional Chinese painting to seek new breakthroughs and innovation, the design theme will pay more attention to the whole landscape design aesthetic needs, Let people appreciate these landscape design, not only mentally relaxed, but also psychologically will be satisfied.
  二、Modern landscape design absorbs western modern painting elements
  1. Western Modern painting Art
  Western modern painting originated from Impressionism, and has undergone many stages of development. From the Impressionism, the Beast faction gradually develops to the cubism and the Expressionism, finally develops to the modern abstraction. The Western modern painting art is gradually praised by many landscape architects.   2. The influence of modern painting on the design of modern landscape architecture
  The effect of color collocation.The color collocation is the western modern painting art important constituent element, in the western modern painting art color is no longer pure is one kind of visual appearance. It is more the expression of psychological feelings, people on the color of the warm and cold feeling is corresponding to each other, the color of the warm and cold is based on emotional awareness and produced. such as cold color of the collocation to give people a serene and solemn feeling, the color of warm colors with a warm feeling, but also easy to create a person's appetite, contrasting color matching gives a warm and cheerful atmosphere ... Therefore, the study of the western modern painting of these rich color language, its flexible application to the modern landscape, it can play a finishing touch of the role. The color of the garden landscape is widely found in the hard view (square, road paving) and soft landscape (plants, water features, etc.), the effective use of color matching in the landscape, can better play a variety of colors of the unique aesthetic sense for the realization of landscape art value plays a vital role, different color collocation can make people feel solemn, quiet, warm, Enthusiasm and so on different psychological feelings, but also can create a variety of different atmosphere.
  Influence on the creation of inner artistic conception.The influence of Western modern painting art the artistic conception pursued by modern landscape design is no longer conveyed by a certain image as traditional garden, but through the combination of various forms of landscape scenery in the space environment. This kind of artistic conception needs to understand and feel through the understanding of the space environment of the whole garden landscape. In short, the creation of artistic conception must be attached to a certain social environment and the background of the Times, it reflects the designer's thoughts and feelings. With the progress of the times, the emergence of social pluralism, with the new generation of ideas continue to innovate, people are pursuing the mood has also changed. The ultimate goal of landscape design is to create a wonderful and comfortable external living space for people, while Western modern painting art is popular with young people in China, so the western modern painting art is widely used by designers in modern landscape.
摘要:色彩的禁忌与宣扬在壮族民俗文化随处可见,这一事实不仅体现在壮族的民俗节日、及宗教礼仪有所体现,更是渗透在日常生活习惯中。色彩不仅是绘画中一个关键的媒介,在民俗文化中的宗教寓意与精神意义亦犹为重要。壮锦的色彩使用也必然折射出壮族人民的思维方式与文化观念。  关键词:壮锦;色彩;民俗文化  色彩的使用是人类审美心理的体现,这是任何一个民族文化都具有的特征。“色彩的效果是如何形成的,文化的差异应是
摘要:中国古代文人士大夫为造园艺术的成熟和发展起到了推波助澜的作用,尤其是宋代,当时以皇帝为首的一批画家、显贵等均热衷于营造一个诗画同“园”的人造自然空间园林。当时的文人画与园林建筑由此产生了关联,“以大观小”之说作为宋代影响深远的画论,也体现在了宋代造园思想中。  关键词:以大观小;造园思想;画论  “以大观小”之说出自于沈括《梦溪笔谈·卷十七 书画 第六节 以大为小与以大观小》,其中有这样一段
摘要:日本人深受中国儒家文化和佛教的沉积,同时以明治维新为契机,日本文化开始转向,又深深浸染着西方文化的精髓。因此日本文化表现出来的文化模式却是既不同于东方又不同于西方的独特性。从日本人的“扩大”与“缩小”意识来探究日本人的双重性格。  关键词:扩大;缩小;双重性格  说道“小”,其实日本也不小,日本的国土面积为37万平方公里,比英国(24万平方公里)、德国(35万平方公里)、意大利(30万平方公
摘要:目的:本文分析在手术室护理中细节护理在其中的效果和应用。方法:选用在我院接受手术治疗的患者189例作为此次研究目标,将患者分成对照组和观察组分别采用基础护理和细节护理干预,经过护理之后对比两组患者的满意率。结果:经过对比后观察组患者的非常满意率比对照组高很多,而且总满意率也要高于对照组,两组之间的区别很明显(P0.05)。  1.2 方法  1.2.1 术前心理护理  很多患者实际上并不了解
摘要:以人物画“造型语言”研究为主线,以实际案例研究为主要手段,再结合美学、文化背景与哲学思潮的相关资料,对当代水墨人物画造型语言在当代多元文化生态语境下的发展与演变作一个浅析研究。并对当代水墨人物画造型语言多元的动态表征与现象提出一些相关的思考与个人的认识。  关键词:人物画;造型;笔墨  中国人物画在20世纪经历了两次大的变革,第一次变革是由徐悲鸿和蒋兆和发端的,借助了西方科学写实的造型观察方
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摘要:我国经济的快速发展带动我国医学行业发展迅速。产褥期作为女性一生比较重要的阶段,在这个阶段产妇的生理心理状况会变化较大,这就需要良好的护理帮助产妇进行生理恢复及心理状况调节,延续性护理作为护理方式中有效的护理方式,正在被临床护理中运用。  关键词:延续性护理;初产妇产褥期;应用效果  引言  我国医学行业最近几年随着我国经济的快速发展而发展迅速。产褥期泛指胎盘娩出至除乳腺外其他器官恢复至未孕状