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2016年3月22日,我唱着儿时那首老歌——《金沙江的水》,重走红军长征路,回到阔别68年的故乡鹤庆,回到汹涌澎湃的金沙江畔。“金沙江呀,金沙江,每天哗啦啦啦流呀;流呀,流呀,流尽世间苦呀;流呀,流呀;流尽了世上愁……”我的一生与金沙江结下生死情缘,我这双眼睛,总是看着金沙江的波涛沉思,金沙江总是响起荡气回肠的滚滚波涛。这是来自地球胸膛的天籁之音,这是天地的和谐共鸣之声,它深沉,浑厚,富有节奏,由远而 On March 22, 2016, I sang the old song from my childhood - Water in the Jinsha River. I walked back to the Red Army Long March and returned to Heqing, the hometown of the next 68 years. I returned to the surging Jinsha River. “Jinshajiang ah, the Jinsha River, every day crashing lazy flow ah; flow Yeah, flow Yeah, the flow of the world bitter ah; flow Yeah, flow Yeah; run out of the world worry ... ” My life with the Jinsha River knot Love and death under the edge of my eyes, always watching the waves of the Jinsha River meditation, the Jinsha River always sighs rolling soul waves. This is the sound of the sounds of nature coming from the chest of the earth. This is the harmony and resonance of heaven and earth. It is deep, vigorous, full of rhythm,
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摘 要:从介绍约瑟夫·奈的“软实力”理论产生的时代背景、主要内容等方面入手,结合文化自觉的两重性,主张发展文化软实力,对内以“除旧立新”、“推陈出新”、“温故知新”为基础,加强文化转型的自主能力,增强内部文化软实力;对外开展文化交流,促进文化产品输出,取得新时代文化选择的自主地位,扩大中华文化影响力。  关键词:软实力;文化自觉;启示  中图分类号:G112 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-2
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There’s a place in your hear And I know that it is love And this place is much brighter than tomorrow这是迈克尔·杰克逊作词作曲的《Heal the Word》中的两句歌词,