
来源 :社会中的法理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weibiechao
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法律社会学在中国不是一个陌生的名词了,甚至可以说是很熟悉也很时髦的字眼。法学界、社会学界及其各个社会科学领域都在探讨和研究法律社会学,很多高校从本科、硕士到博士都在积极开设并推广这门课程,各研究机构也在争相研究这类课题。他们把法律社会学的视野囊括了与法律、社会相关的所有研究领域,甚至把能与法律相关的社会问题都视为法律社会学的范畴。然而,当问及何为法律社会学时,坦率地说,我们今天的法学研究是无力回答或者说不能妥切地回答这个似乎很简单却是法律社会学最为根本性的问题。因此,本文回到法律社会学的历史脉络中,回到法律社会学的基础理论中,探讨法律社会学的基本问题,借以展示并回答法律社会学的知识本质。 Sociology of Law in China is not a strange term, and can even be said to be very familiar and stylish words. The legal science community, the sociology community and its various social sciences are exploring and studying legal sociology. Many colleges and universities, from undergraduate, master’s and doctoral disciplines, are actively developing and promoting this course. Research institutions are also competing to study such issues. They encompass the field of sociology of law in all fields of law and society, and even regard the law-related social problems as legal sociology. However, when asked what legal sociology is, frankly speaking, the fact that our legal studies today are powerless to answer or fail to properly answer this seemingly simple but most fundamental issue of legal sociology. Therefore, this paper returns to the historical context of legal sociology, back to the basic theory of sociology of law, to explore the basic issues of sociology of law in order to show and answer the legal sociology of the nature of knowledge.
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【英国《观察家报》1985年4月14日报道】美国正在试制一种轻型核地雷,其体积小到足以装在士兵的背包中。这种背包核武器简称亚当(ADAM),是先进原子雷(ADVANCED ATOMICMINE)
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